Welcome & Contact Info
Welcome! The library team is here to support you!
Contact us at:
Main library phone number: (619) 388-7310
Library reference desk phone number: (619) 388-7611
Library location: L-200 (2nd floor of L Building)
The library's current hours of operation, staff directory, and holiday closure alerts are posted on the Library Homepage.
About the Library Website
The library website serves as a gateway to the library's collections of print and electronic resources—selected to support the college curriculum, student learning, and success. Visit the links under Library Research: Tools & Assistance on the library home page for more information about the resources available to you.
In the paragraphs below, you will find more brief overview information about various library services, facilities, and policies.
Reference Assistance
Faculty reference librarians are available to help you find answers to your questions, guide you in research strategies, and assist you in finding appropriate resources for research assignments. The Reference Desk is located near the library's Information Commons computer workstations (to your left as you enter the library). Reference assistance by telephone is also available during the library's business hours. Call (619) 388-7611 to speak with a reference librarian.
Online Access to Electronic Resources
As a Miramar College student, staff, or faculty member, you have 24/7 access to the library's online research databases and ebook collections that are searchable through the OneSearch platform. For remote access to these electronic resources, you will use your @sdccd.edu email address and your SDCCD portal password. (***Note that students must be enrolled in the current semester—in at least one Miramar College course—to remotely authenticate.***)
Main Circulating Book Collection
The library's Main Circulating Book Collection is located to the right of the Circulation Desk as you enter the library. This collection is comprised of thousands of academic book publications selected by campus librarians to support the college curriculum and student learning/research needs. These print books are shelved according to the Library of Congress (LC) classification scheme and can be checked out with a current college ID card. You can use the library's OneSearch platform to search for books on specific topis of interest and to identify the corresponding LC classification numbers. For more information on checkout policies and renewals, please see the Policies for Print Materials Checkout section below.
Course Reserves
A special collection of textbooks and course reserve materials is maintained behind the Circulation Desk. Check the Reserves Lookup computer (at the Circulation Desk counter) to identify materials available. You must have your college ID card to use course reserve materials. Note also that reserve materials are available on a first come, first served basis. Holds may not be placed on reserve materials. For more information on Course Reserves checkout policies, please see the Policies for Print Materials Checkout section below.
Reference Collection
A special collection of print reference books and law books is available to you in the library's Reference Collection area—adjacent to the Reference Desk. Note that the print materials in the Reference Collection must be used within the library building.
Streaming Videos
A vast, multidisciplinary collection of streaming videos can be searched and accessed online 24/7 by using the library's streaming video collections. Contact the reference librarian team for more information about the streaming video collections.
Print Periodicals and Casual Reading Areas
The Print Periodicals and Casual Reading areas are located behind the Reference Collection. We invite you to enjoy the comfortable, relaxed seating areas with current newspapers and magazines displayed nearby. Feel free to study together with colleagues and talk moderately at tables and seating located in these areas.
Featured/New Books
Don't miss our Featured Books Rack—located to your right as you enter the library. Here you can browse through a changing assortment of books that have been put on display, either to showcase some of our latest acquisitions, or to commemorate special occasions and events.
Interlibrary Loan Service
If the book you need is located at another SDCCD library, you can request it online through the library's OneSearch platform. Look up the book, click on its title to display the full description, and then click on the Request link. Most circulating books are available for request. Books that are NOT requestable include:
- Course reserves
- Reference books
- eBooks
- Books that are "on order" or "in cataloging."
Staff will contact you by email or phone when the book arrives. If you need help requesting a book from a sister campus library, a reference librarian will be happy to assist you. Please note: We do not have interlibrary loan privileges with libraries outside the SDCCD system.
Quiet Study Areas
There are Quiet Study areas surrounding the Main Circulating Book Collection (to the right of the Circulation Desk as you enter the library). Study carrels and tables are provided for individuals to study in a quiet environment. Loud talking or disruptive noise/activities are not permitted in this area. Please respect the need for quiet, set cell phones to vibrate, and respond to calls outside.
Study Rooms
Eight study rooms with whiteboards are available to currently enrolled students. Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis—the library does not make advance reservations. The check-out period is one hour (you may remain for more than an hour if no one else is waiting). To check out a room, present a valid campus ID card to the staff at the Circulation Desk. See staff for additional instructions.
Library computer workstations are available to currently enrolled students. Individuals must log on with their college ID and password. Headphones are available for checkout. The library's online research tools and electronic resources can be accessed via the Library Website. Additional software applications installed on the computers include the following:
Reference librarians (at the Reference Desk) can assist students in using the library's online research tools and electronic resource collections. Help in utilizing general software applications (not specific to library research) is available from the Academic Success Center.
There are three photocopiers in the Copy Center that take cash (dollar bills, quarters, dimes, and nickels). Copiers also accept campus ID cards; follow directions on the Add Value machine to load money onto your card. Both 8½ x 11 and 11 x 17 size copies are ten cents each. Users must comply with applicable copyright laws.
There are two black-and-white printers and one color printer available, located in the Copy Center. To print, you must have a campus ID card. Directions for loading money onto your ID card are located on the Add Value machine. The cost to print is 10 cents per page for black and white and 50 cents per page for color.
You can use the Copy Center's book scanner to scan books, documents, photographs, etc. to your email, USB storage device, cloud services, and more. There is NO CHARGE to use our scanning service. Users must comply with applicable copyright laws.
Policies for Print Materials Checkout
Who May Borrow Books?
- Currently enrolled SDCCD students, staff, faculty and administrators may check out circulating materials.
- Currently enrolled SDCCE North City Continuing Education ESL students may check out books from the library's English Readers collection.
- Students must present their photo SDCCD ID card to check out circulating and reserve materials.
- If a patron owes fines or fees anywhere within the San Diego Community College District, they will not be allowed to check out library materials.
Course Reserves Checkout
The library offers a special collection of course textbooks on reserve. This collection is separate from the main circulating book collection and is housed behind the Circulation Desk.
- When budgets permit, the library strives to have two copies of every textbook for each class taught at Miramar College.
- One copy of each textbook is generally designated for in-library use only.
- Additional copies may check out for 7 days (in a few cases, 3 days).
- Check-out periods shorten near the end of a semester.
- One course reserves book may be checked out at a time. Exceptions are made for accompanying study guides.
- Course reserves books cannot be renewed.
- A patron must wait until the next business day to initiate a new check-out of any returned book.
- Returned books may not be held.
- Returned materials will be reshelved and be made available for other patrons. If the book is still available the next business day, the previous borrower may initiate a new check-out at that time.
Checkout of Circulating Books (from the Main Book Collection)
- Up to 10 circulating (non-reserve) books may be checked out simultaneously, with a limit of 5 books from any one call number range.
- Books check out for 4 weeks.
- Check-out periods shorten near the end of a semester.
- Books can be renewed one time each, for an additional 2-week period.
- Books must be renewed on or before their due date.
- Overdue books may not be renewed.
- Books cannot be renewed if a hold request has been placed by another patron, or if the library needs to recall the item.
- A patron must wait until the next business day to initiate a new check-out of any returned book.
- Returned books may not be held.
- Returned materials will be reshelved and made available for other patrons. If the book is still available the next business day, the previous borrower may initiate a new check-out at that time.
- Books can be renewed online via the My Library Account link on the library website.
Fines for Overdue/Lost Materials
If you do not return library items within seven days of the posted due date, late charges will be assessed per item per day until the accumulated charges equal the replacement cost of the item.
- Circulating items: $2.00 plus 25 cents per item per day
- Circulating Reserve items: $2.00 plus 50 cents per item per day
- Lost Materials: a $7.00 processing fee per item plus the cost of the item
- Reserve Library Use Only (LUO) materials: $5.00 per item per day for unauthorized removal. Campus Police will be notified and a report taken; disciplinary actions may result.
- If you have an overdue fine, there will be a hold placed on your student account. Please contact the Circulation staff at 619-388-7310 for help in paying the fine and removing the hold.
If you need to speak with someone for more information about checkout policies and fines, please call the Circulation Desk, (619) 388-7310.
Book Drops
Book drops are available to facilitate book return when the library is closed.
Exterior: There are two exterior book drops. One is located near the main entrance to the H Building (Arts and Humanities); the other is located within the LLRC building gates, on the second floor landing next to the elevators. These book drops are open when the library is closed.
Interior: There is also an interior book drop located at the Circulation Desk as you first enter the library.
Other General Policies/Rules
- A valid student campus ID is required to log on to the library's computer workstations, as well as to check out circulating and reserve materials.
- Food is not allowed in the library
- Beverages are permitted. Please dispose of empty beverage containers in the trashcans located outside of the library.
- Please turn cell phones to vibrate or shut off.
- Shoes and shirts are required.
- Children must be accompanied by an adult.