Library Orientation Classes
(Bibliographic Instruction)
Formal library orientation classes are taught by librarians on a first-come, first-served reservation basis. Instructors interested in having a presentation done for their class should schedule it at least one week in advance. Contact Instruction Librarian Angela Boyd at to make arrangements. You can place a Request for Library Instruction Online, or if you prefer, download and fill out PDF version of the Request for Library Instruction Form.
In addition to the more formal, scheduled class presentations, the library conducts a series of informal, 30-minute Library Workshops
throughout the year. Students are invited to drop in and attend any workshops that might be on a topic of interest.
Course Reserves
The library's Course Reserves collection (located behind the Circulation Desk counter) offers students an extensive array of textbooks for courses currently being taught at Miramar College. Instructors who wish to place items on Reserve should fill out a Course Reserve Request Form and turn it in to the staff at the Circulation Desk. Processing may take a day or two until the materials are available for student use. Contact Cattleya Amezcua at (619) 388-7618 for further information.
Search our online Course Reserves Lookup to identify titles available in our Reserves collection.
Suggestions for Purchase
Faculty recommendations for additions or deletions to our collection will help keep the campus library holdings current, vital, and responsive to the college's curriculum changes.
To help develop our ever-expanding collection, faculty can recommend specific titles for purchase (that support campus instructional programs). We invite you to use our Collection Purchase Request Form for submitting recommendations. We also welcome your collaboration on collection weeding projects—to keep the collection up to date.
Each faculty librarian has been assigned specific subject areas to develop. See our Library Staff Directory to contact the librarian liaison who oversees the collection in your subject discipline(s).
Open Educational Resources
The Library supports and encourages the use of open educational resources (OER) to facilitate instruction at Miramar College. For additional information about open educational resources, see our OER Getting Started guide or contact our Instruction/Open Educational Resources Librarian Angela Boyd at