Photo of Miramar graduates

Important notice all EOPS office and District emails will be sent to STUDENT@SDCCD.EDU email address: 
The District has started notifying SDCCD Students that their primary email for school will shift to their student.sdccd.edu email after March 27, 2023. Students can also call/email for help:  support@student.sdccd.edu or 619-388-1140.

What Is EOPS?

San Diego Miramar College EOPS and CalWORKs Office serves diverse students impacted by social and economic barriers by fostering a sense of community that empowers them through equitable access to comprehensive academic, financial, and personal support services that promotes a meaningful college experience and the successful completion of their goals.

Front Desk Services

In-person front desk services will include answers to quick questions regarding benefits, application process, etc. and help with scheduling appointments. 

Counseling Services

One-on-one counseling will continue to be offered remotely, either online via Zoom or by phone, and in person. 


We are now accepting applications for Spring 2025. 


***Current EOPS students, to schedule a remote or in person counseling appointment, please visit the EOPS canvas home page. ***



  • Priority Registration
  • Individualized Counseling
  • Supplemental Grant*
  • Book & Supplies Voucher*
  • Parking Permit or Bus Pass*
  • Lending Library
  • Academic Intervention
  • Associated Student Membership

*Contingent on funding


Students may be eligible for EOPS if the following requirements are satisfied:

  1. California Resident, Dream Act, or AB540 Student
  2. Qualify for a CCPG A, B, or C with $0 Family Expected Contribution (California Community Colleges Promise Grant)
  3. Enrolled full-time (unless you have approved reduced unit load)
  4. Have completed fewer than 70 degree applicable units and must not have earned a Bachelor's degree.
  5. Students must also meet ONE of the following criteria to establish being economically and educationally disadvantaged:
  • Placement of 40 or lower on the reading or writing assessment or 30 on the math
  • Have no high school diploma or G.E.D.
  • Graduated from high school with a grade point average below 2.5
  • Previously enrolled in remedial courses
  • First generation college student
  • English is not the primary language spoken at home
  • Emancipated foster/current youth

To apply for EOPS, an application must be completed and submitted online. Please note that the FAFSA /Dream Act application data is required to determine eligibility. To avoid delays in processing applications, please be sure to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) /Dream Act application. Financial Aid must be packaged at San Diego Miramar College.

About EOPS

EOPS was developed in the 1960's to address the lack of educational equity for minority students in the public school system and in higher education. This was in response to the activism of minority high school and college students, parents, and community leaders. After much turmoil State Assemblyman Alfred Alquis, from San Jose, authored Assembly Bill 164 which established state funding to develop programs that would provide community college access to disadvantaged students.

Today, EOPS provides assistance to a broader and more diverse student population to facilitate the successful completion of their goals and objectives in 114 community colleges. For over 30 years, the program has continued to encourage the enrollment, retention and transfer of students disadvantaged by language, social, economic and educational circumstances.

student resources for Miramar students