Establishing Quality Outcomes

Miramar's Outcomes Assessment goal for the 2021-2024 Cycle is to develop quality Outcomes and Outcomes assessment. Each Instructional Program, Instructional Support area, Student Services areas and Administrative areas play an active role in the Outcomes Assessment process. The process below outlines the fundamental steps in the assessment process.

Establishing Outcomes

Academic Outcomes and Outcomes Assessment is intended to measure student learning and provides information for program and/or course improvement. Academic Outcomes (PLOs/CSLOs) should state what you want your students to achieve by the end of the course and how you'll know when they have met that outcome.  Student Learning Outcomes should map to Miramar's Institutional Learning Outcomes, Academic Division Goals, and Academic Program Goals.

Non Academic Outcomes (Students Services, Instructional Support Services and Administrative Services) focus on support & services typically provided outside of the classroom. All Support & Service Unit Outcomes (SUOs) should map to the Miramar's Institutional Learning Outcomes, Division Goals and Unit Program Goals. 

Measuring Outcomes

According to the ASCCC authentic assessment "simulates a real world experience by evaluating the students ability to apply critical thinking and knowledge or to perform tasks that may approximate those found in the work place or venues outside of the classroom setting." 

Outcomes need to be measurable. They should be able to be assessed in a way to provide qualitative and quantitative data. Faculty should be able to report how many students were successful in achieve the Outcome (quantitative data) and be able to provide a narrative of the results, context (qualitative data). 

Course learning outcomes should describe the knowledge, skills or abilities that student can demonstrate by the end of the course, not content. What can a student "do" with what they've learned by the end of the semester. 

Support & Service unit outcomes should describe the knowledge or skills, the audience (students, faculty, staff, the community) should learn or be able to demonstrate after receiving a service or participating in a support program. 

Types of Measurements (Direct & Indirect)

Direct Measurements Indirect Measurements
Tests Surveys
Portfolios Focus Groups
Comprehensive Exams Email Follow-up
Papers,  Assignments Post event evaluations
Skill Demonstrations/Observations Exit Tickets
Presentations Unit Evaluations


Guidelines for Writing Effective Outcomes:


Instructional Guides

Instructional Support Services 

Student Services Division

Instructional Services Division

Additional Resources:


Evidence of Assessment