DSPS--Getting Started

  1. Apply to San Diego Miramar College Online - a 10 digit Student ID Number will be provided


  2. Complete the Online San Diego Miramar College and Disability Support Programs & Services (DSPS) Orientations


  3. Register for Classes*


  4. Register for the DSPS Program


    • You will be contacted by phone or at your student.sdccd.edu email after your application and verification have been reviewed.  Maintaining current contact information will mitigate communication delays.

  5. Complete a Welcome Appointment with a DSPS Counselor
    • Engage in the interactive process with a DSPS counselor.  Discuss your request for specific Academic Accommodations.
    • You will be provided an Authorized Academic Accommodations letter to share with your instructors.
    • You may be eligible for priority registration (according to the SDCCD priority enrollment system outlined in the college catalog) after you have completed your Welcome appointment.  These steps must be completed before the semester deadline in which you plan to enroll.


*Students may register independently for classes or DSPS counselors can provide registration support to students after they have completed their Welcome appointment.

To access the Spanish version, click here:  Como Iniciar Servicios de Discapacidad (Futuros Estudiantes del Colegio Miramar)

Additional Resource for New Students - http://www.sdmiramar.edu/futurestudents