Process for Utilization of Alternate Media Accommodation
Requesting Alternate Media is a two part interactive process:
Meet with a DSPS counselor to discuss and request the accommodation for the applicable term.
Complete the Alternate Media request form and engage in discussion with the Assistive Technology Specialist to determine the most appropriate media format and potential training needs.
Before completing the online Alternate Media Request form, students are advised to:
Meet with a Miramar DSPS counselor and have Alternate Media listed on their Authorized Academic Accommodation letter for the term which they are requesting materials.
Register for the classes at Miramar for which they are requesting Alternate Media.
Purchase the required textbook(s).
Keep the receipts for the textbook(s).
Important Information about Alternate Media:
Alternate Media requests are for San Diego Miramar College courses (for Mesa or City courses; students must contact their DSPS office). Students must be registered with the DSPS department and have an Academic Accommodations Plan (AAP) on file.
Alternate Media may be requested for required materials as listed on the class schedule and/or course syllabus. Recommended material may also be requested, but will have a lower priority than required materials.
Student can submit an Alternate Media Request form to request up to 5 textbooks per form. If additional materials are needed please submit another request.
The standard production time for most Alternate Media materials is 10 business days from the time permission has been obtained from the publisher. Specialized text such as: Math, Science, Foreign Languages and Braille materials often require a longer production time.
Some materials are not available in alternate format and students may be asked to provide their book to be cut and scanned to facilitate the request.
Students should check their email regularly for updates regarding the status of their Alternate Media requests.
Per Administrative Procedure AP 5140 – Academic Accommodations and Disability Discrimination for Students with Disabilities, students have the right to request a meeting with the DSPS Coordinator when they have concerns about their Alternate Media accommodation.