Work-Based Learning | Faculty

Preparing students to succeed academically and thrive in their future careers


Defining Work-Based Learning at Miramar College

Work-Based Learning (WBL) is any classroom assignment or activity that teaches essential career or workplace skills that prepare students for their future careers through sustained interactions with industry or community professionals. Essential skills are part of a WBL continuum that includes technical career training and interdisciplinary skills that bridge classroom education to real-world application. 

WBL Mission Statement

To contribute to a legacy of equity and inclusion as work-based learning educators, knowing that a student’s first job is critical to their career and income trajectory and that in the classroom WBL creates deeper engagement and better outcomes for diversity, equity, and inclusion and will ultimately increase work-based learning understanding and WBL opportunities for students.

 Work-based Learning in the classroom creates deeper engagement and better outcomes for Students.

Miramar Work-Based Learning Continuum 

Work-based Learning Continuum

Work-Based Learning Categories:










Districtwide WBL Definitions and SG21 Reporting Framework - Detailed information of how Work-based Learning experiences are defined and categorized. 

Meet our Miramar Faculty Champions

Thank you to our faculty for their consistent dedication to Miramar's career education by supporting students through the WBL Continuum.

Prof. Pablo Martin 


Prof. Martin champions career-focused education by integrating WBL into social and behavioral science classes, supporting a nutrition certificate program, and promoting workforce readiness through campus leadership and industry collaboration.

Prof. Patti Manley


Prof. Patti Manley advances DEI within the Humanities by bridging history education with career pathways, connecting students in her honors History courses to professional experts in museums, archives, cultural organizations, and beyond.

Prof. Danish Khan


Prof. Danish Khan connects students with industry leaders, the Verified Program, NRP, Nvidia GPUs, and JetBrains tools, providing students with real-world experience, paid internships, and job-readiness training to advance diverse talent in computing careers.

Prof. Anne Gloag


Prof. Gloag is committed to equity and inclusion in STEM, integrating Work-Based Learning through career exploration, industry panels, and STEM Éxito Programing to empower Latinx and low-income students with meaningful, real-world connections in calculus.

WBL Professional Development Course 

Learn how to incorporate WBL in the classroom with a self-paced, asynchronous training for college faculty offered in Canvas.  Learn more about the modules, course learning outcomes and registration.  

WBL Professional Development Course

WBL Lesson Plan Samples & Templates 

 SDIC Public WBL Lesson Plan Database

We want to hear from our Faculty!

How do you currently utilize WBL in your classroom, have new ideas or need support from our Career Services.   Email: Melanie Baeza

Interested in Miramar's WBL Team, Priorities and Highlights, please review our Progress Report.  

Work-based Learning Progress Report 23-24

For more information please contact Career Services at 619-388-7335 or email your WBL Coordinator Melanie Baeza,
San Diego Miramar College Career Services | Work-based Learning Logo