Accredited State Fire Training Courses

San Diego Miramar College offers Driver Operator, Company Officer, Fire Inspector, Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, Fire Investigator, Chief Officer, Plans Examiner, Fire Marshal, and Rescue Technician Courses annually.  Click below for course flyers and review all information for enrollment and general information for students in the Fire In-Service Program. 


The following link outlines the "steps to enrollment" to the college. The OpenCCC single sign-in account allows you to access the online services of the California Community Colleges. Click “Apply” to get your Open CCC account. 

To enroll into a course, you must first register as a student at Miramar (Even returning students need to update registration). Visit once you have your Student ID - (10-digit number, NOT CCC Account ID). Use the SDCCCD Portal for the college to find the class you are looking to attend.

If you are having difficulty enrolling - Please contact:

Miramar Admissions 619-388-7844 7am-7pm 

Plans Examiner 1 SeriesOffered Intersession and Spring Semester AnnuallyFIPT 394LPlans Examiner 1A - Building Plan Review .5 UnitsFIPT 394LPlans Examiner 1B - Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems .5 UnitsFIPT 394LPlans Examiner 1C - Hazards and Special Operations .5 UnitsFire Investigation SeriesOffered Summer and Fall AnnuallyFIPT 392LFire Investigation 1A - Basic Fire Investigation.5 UnitsFIPT 394LFire Investigation 1B - Evidence and Documentation.5 UnitsFIPT 394LFire Investigation 1C - Preparation for Legal Proceedings.5 UnitsRescue Technician CoursesOffered Summer AnnuallyFIPT  332AConfined Space Rescue Technician.5 UnitsFire Marshal SeriesOffered AnnuallyFIPT 392S CN74988Fire Marshal 1A - Administration and Professional DevelopmentFIPT 393S CN74989Fire Marshal 1B - Community Relations & Fire and Life Safety EducationFIPT 393S CN74990Fire Marshal 1C - Fire Investigation Program ManagementFIPT 392S CN74991Fire Marshal 1D - Community Risk Reduction Program ManagementFIPT 392L CN74287Fire Marshal 1E - Regulatory Programs Management General Information for ALL State Fire Training CoursesState Fire Training ID Registration
If you do NOT have an account set up through State Fire Training (SFT), Please visit State Fire Training websiteTuition Costs, Required Textbooks and Certification Fees:
All SFT Certificate Courses fees require a college enrollment fee of $46 a unit (typically 1/2-unit courses $23 health fee. State Fire Training Certification Fees are covered through a grant with San Diego Workforce Partnership.  Textbook requirements are provided on the individual class flyers on the above class links. Location of Classes
Fire Technology is located on the North end of campus at San Diego Miramar College directly behind Home Depot.  Direct Access from Hillary Rd (Carpool / Fast Track Lanes only) or West on Mira Mesa Blvd / 15 freeway and South on Westview Parkway. (Fire Technology - Building R is directly South of Mira Mesa Home Depot)Miramar Campus Interactive Map LinkSFT Classes are located in R1-101,102 or 103.  It is recommended to park in the Northeast Parking Structure on Campus.  Miramar Parking Passes
Student paid parking passes are required.  If you are purchasing daily parking passes, make sure to purchase the parking pass from the kiosk at the campus main entrance off Black Mountain Road. Student parking is in the parking structure accessed from the north side of campus.. Do not park in MTS or staff parking lots.Driver Operator Series
Driver Operator will be offered in the Fall and Spring at Miramar College.  Class C Driver License is required. Structure Gear is required for Driver Operator 1B.Company Officer Series
Company Officer courses will be offered in the Fall of each year through Palomar College and the Spring through Miramar College.  Class Information for ALL SFT Classes: San Diego County Google ScheduleCompany Officer 2A and 2B
Company Officer 2A and 2B offered as hybrids / online. Company Officer 2C-2E
Company Officer 2C - 2E will be offered at Miramar during the Spring Semester. These are all 40 hour in person courses.Chief Officer Series Courses
All four Chief Officer classes are offered under one Class Number for the college. If you are only looking to attend one of the courses, register for the course and notify the instructor.Fire Instructor I and Instructor II Courses
The Instructor 1 class is offered in the Spring Semester as part of the Company Officer series.  Instructor II is offered typically in June and as needed per agency requests.Fire Inspector 1 and 2 Series
Miramar offers the SFT Inspector 1 Series each Fall semester AND SFT Inspector 2 series each Spring semester.  Students are encouraged to the FIPT 125 Report Writing for the Fire Service if pursuing Fire Inspector offered in the Spring Semester.  Students who have taken the Fire Inspector series at another institution or private provider may request credit by exam, which requires taking the final exam for the course and paying the college fees if pursuing the Fire Prevention Degree.Uniform Dress Code
For students attending FIPT courses, we have a uniform policy requiring either a Class B uniform -or- Business casual attire.  Ultimately, we expect all student to dress professionally while attending on-campus classes in our program.  This means that shorts, T-shirts, and flip flops are not acceptable.  Click on the Link below and make it a favorite for a schedule of all courses offered in San Diego County - including registration requirements and long-term planning for upcoming courses. CLICK BELOW FOR CURRENT CLASS OFFERINGS:
State Fire Courses Class Flyers and Information (Click Titles) 

Driver Operator Series

Fall and Spring Semesters

FIPT 321D Driver Operator 1A - Driving 1.0 Unit
FIPT 321P Driver Operator 1B - Pumping 1.0 Unit

Company Officer Series

Offered Spring Semester

FIPT 323C Hazardous Materials Incident Commander  0.5 Unit
FIPT 324D Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior S-290 March 3-10 or S-290 April 14 - 17, 2025 0.5 Unit
FIPT 340 Company Officer 2A: Human Resource Management for Company Officers   0.5 Unit
FIPT 341 Company Officer 2B: General Administration Functions for Company Officers 0.5 Unit
FIPT 342 Company Officer 2C: Fire Investigation and Inspection for Company Officers 0.5 Unit
FIPT 343 Company Officer 2D: All Risk Command Operations for Company Officers 0.5 Unit
FIPT 344 Company Officer 2E: Company Officer 2E: Incident Operations for Company Officers 0.5 Unit

Fire and Emergency Services Instructor 

Offered Spring and Summer Semesters

FIPT 345 Instructor I: Instructional Methodology 0.5 Unit
FIPT 326C Instructor II: Instructor Development 2.0 Units
FIPT 392S Ethical Leadership for Instructors .02 Unit

Chief Officer Series 

Offered Spring Semester

FIPT 350* Chief Officer 3A: Human Resource Management 2.5 Units
FIPT 350* Chief Officer 3B: Budget & Fiscal Responsibilities 2.5 Units
FIPT 350* Chief Officer 3C: General Administration Functions 2.5 Units
FIPT 350* Chief Officer 3D: Emergency Services Delivery 2.5 Units
*Chief Officer Academy: One College class, All four Chief Officer Courses included.

Fire Inspector 1 Series and Hazmat Awareness

Offered Fall Semester Annually

FIPT 323A Hazmat First Responder Awareness (FRA) CSTI - Certification .02 Units
FIPT 351A Fire Inspector 1A: Duties and Responsibilities 0.5 Units
FIPT 351B Fire Inspector 1B: Fire and Life Safety 0.5 Units
FIPT 351C Fire Inspector 1C: Field Inspection 0.5 Units
FIPT 351D Fire Inspector 1D: Field Inspection CA Specific 0.2 Units

Fire Inspector 2 Series

Offered Spring Semester Annually

FIPT 392S* Fire Inspector 2A: Fire Prevention Administration 0.2 Units
FIPT 392L* Fire Inspector 2B: Fire and Life Safety Requirements 0.5 Units
FIPT 392* Fire Inspector 2C: Inspecting New and Existing Systems 0.5 Units
FIPT 393L* Fire Inspector 2D: Hazmat, Operations and Processes 0.2 Units
*These courses will appear as "Special Topics Fire Management/Hazmat" which is a temporary college course until new curriculum is finalized.

Miramar, SFT Course Offerings in San Diego County (Google Spreadsheet)

Additional Questions:

Darren Hall
Fire Technology Program Director