Accredited Miramar Firefighter Academy

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The SD Miramar College Accredited Regional Firefighter 1 Academy consists of courses taken together in a sequential cohort model. Students are selected via lottery and are required to enroll in all courses in the sequence. In the table below is the list of courses that meet the requirements for the State Fire Academy and Category 1 Hiring Requirements for CAL FIRE. 


***Note: Complete the Fire Academy Interest Form if interested in applying to the SPRING of 2025 Fire Academy and would like to be notified and receive the Fire Academy Application (dates below).  Once you complete the interest form, you will receive the application electronically the morning of the 1st day of the application period (dates below) via the email address you submit on the interest form. Please be sure to check your junk mail if you do not receive the application.*** 

NEW: Fall AND Spring Schedule:

  • Fall Semester: Starts Mid-August and runs through the end of December

  • Spring Semester: Starts in January and runs through the end of May 

  • For both Fall AND Spring semesters the days and hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday (7am to 5pm)

Prerequisites for the Fire Academy 

The prerequisites to attend the academy include: (***You may apply to the academy while in progress with these prerequisites. The applications that have prerequisites fully completed will be considered first prior to the applications with prerequisites in progress***): 

  1. Completion of an EMT course.   

  2. FIPT 101 - Fire Protection Organization or equivalent college course. 

  3. Successful completion of FIPT 100D Fire Department Testing Procedures course or Current CPAT Card. The FIPT 100D Fire Department Testing Procedures course is highly preferred. 

The Application Period: 

  • Fall Fire Academy is April 1st-30th 
  • Spring Fire Academy is September 1st-30th.

Mandatory Orientation: 

  • Fall Fire Academy is in June 

  • Spring Fire Academy is in October

General College Registration:  

Make sure to register as a student at Miramar College first. A student ID number is required to enroll in the academy.  

Fire Academy Cohort Course List: 

Students who complete the required Fire Academy Training are eligible to participate in the FIPT 381G Skills Review and Certification exam to meet Firefighter I Exam requirements for State Fire Training.  Students who successfully complete/pass the requirements for the SFT Firefighter I Certification Exam are eligible for the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) & Pro Board seal.  

Course # Course Description  Units
FIPT 150 A Introduction to Fire Suppression Manipulative Tasks (Beginning) - 80 Hours 1.5
FIPT 150 B Introduction to Fire Suppression Manipulative Tasks (Intermediate) - 80 Hours 1.5
FIPT 150 C Introduction to Fire Suppression Manipulative Tasks (Advanced) - 80 Hours  1.5
FIPT 150 T Truck Company Operations (OLD 150D) - 80 Hours  1.5
FIPT 150 W Wildland Firefighter Safety and Survival (OLD 110A) - 88 Hours  2.5
FIPT 322 A Common Passenger Vehicle Extrication (NEW) -24 Hours 0.5
FIPT 322 B Confined Space Awareness - 8 Hours  0.2
FIPT 322 C Firefighter Survival - 24 Hours  0.5
FIPT 322 D Frontline Responder - 1A Behavior Heath & Cancer (NEW) - 8 Hours  0.2
FIPT 323 B Hazardous Materials/WMD Operations - 24 Hours  0.5
FIPT 324 A Basic Incident Command System (ICS) - 16 Hours  0.5
FIPT 381 G Skills Review & Certification Exam & Fire Control III - 80-95 Hours    1.5
EXCS 140 A Boot Camp for Fire Academy         Varies

Fire Academy Cost Estimates 

Please review the student fees associated with the Fire Academy. Student fees include the costs of Tuition, Books, Uniforms, State Fire Training Certification Fees, Equipment Rental and miscellaneous academy needs. Please review the cost sheet for the Fire Academy: 

  • Fire Academy Cost Sheet 

  • Turnout Rental Package:

  • Uniform Spec from Cal Uniforms: (The first table below is the minimum uniform purchase quantities and the 2nd table below is the recommended uniform purchase quantities)

Perspective Fire Academy Students 

Waiting for the next academy to start?  What should you do to prepare physically and mentally for the next academy?  

  1. Ensure you are working on the prerequisites identified above 

  2. Purchase the latest edition of the Jones and Bartlett Fundamentals of Firefighter Skills and Hazardous Materials Response  

  3. By enrolling in the FIPT 100D Fire Department Testing Procedures course; it will help prepare you for the physical demands of the Firefighter Academy. Review the CPAT Preparation Guide. These exercises will prepare you for the academy along with established running goals. Goal should be to run three miles under 30 minutes, a recommended goal during the academy. 

  4. If you are 21 or younger consider joining a Fire Cadet or Fire Explorer Program. San Diego Fire-Rescue Department has a wonderful Cadet Program. Please go to to explore their requirements and opportunities. 

Fire Academy Interest Form

 ***Due to safety concerns, as well as minimum requirements by regulatory agencies, potential students should be aware applicable courses may require participants to demonstrate physically demanding skills, evolutions and fitness requirements along with both verbal and nonverbal communication. If you have any concerns as to your ability to safely participate in these courses, please contact the Dean of Public Safety at 619-388-7860.*** 

FIRE ACADEMY & EXERCISE SCIENCE DISCLAIMER - Participation in physical activities involves certain inherent risks. Risks may include, but are not limited to, neck and spinal injuries that may result in paralysis or brain injury, injury to bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons and other aspects of the muscular skeleton system; and serious injury, or impairment, to other aspects of the body and general health, including death. Students are strongly advised to consult a physician prior to participating in any physical education activity. If you have any questions regarding the course or exercise demos, please email the instructor before performing any of the drills, hands on activities, exercises and/or workouts. The San Diego Community College District, its officers, agents and employees are not responsible for the inherent risks associated with participation in physical education or Fire Academy classes.