The following webpage is provided to help guide 'Alternate Firefighter 1 Candidates' seeking State Fire Certification for FF1A, FF1B, FF1C by completing the written and psychomotor exams. The San Diego Miramar College Fire Technology/Academy Program allows participation in California State Fire Training Firefighter I Test / FIPT 381 G Course for individuals who have not attended the SD Miramar College Fire Firefighter Academy. The Fire Academy allows external candidates to participate in exam testing when openings are available at the end of either the Full-Time Academy (Fall Semester - approximately first two weeks in December) or Part-Time Academy (Spring Semester - approximately last two weeks in May).
We as the Accredited Regional Training Program will need the following documentation and equipment: (See SFT Links for Documents)
- Completed Fire Fighter Training Record from State Fire Training Website.
- Completed Skills Waiver Sheet completed by the fire chief; State Fire Training Website.
- Register as a student at Miramar College. A student ID number is required to enroll in the program:
- Once registered as a college student, provide Fire Academy Director ( with student ID for enrollment into the FIPT 381G State Fire Training Skills Review and Certification course.
- Candidate to provide NFPA certified Structural PPE Ensemble, Face Piece, SCBA (w/ 2 cylinders), Wildland PPE Ensemble and Wildland Pack during testing and documentation of annual inspection of all PPE is required. (Structural Ensemble/SCBA would not apply to you if you are only taking the FF1C wildland portion)
- Must have a SFT Fire Control 3 course (2019 version) or complete the Miramar Fire Control 3 course embedded into FIPT 381G. $100 SFT certificate fee for this class. (Does not apply to you if you are only taking the FF1C wildland portion)
- Must have a SFT Confined Space Awareness course competed.
- Provide a copy of their annual Fit Test documentation. (This would not apply to you if you are only taking the FF1C wildland portion)
- Total Costs are approximate $300 SFT Certification Fees, $115 College Tuition Fees and $40 College Parking Pass.
An Alternate Delivery Candidate, attending San Diego Miramar College’s Firefighter I Test / FIPT 381 Course must also agree to the following:
- Adhere to all San Diego Miramar College Fire Academy standards/guidelines as outlined in Fire Academy Manual/Syllabus.
- Wear either an approved fire department/agency or Miramar College Fire Academy Class B uniform at all times.
- Participate in a positive and supportive manner with all Miramar College Fire Academy students and faculty. Be on time each testing day and stay onsite until dismissed by the lead evaluator.
- Must sign and acknowledge the SDCCD Miramar College Fire Academy FC3 Accident Waiver and Release of Liability form.
- Must sign and agree to the SDCCD Miramar College Fire Academy Alternate Delivery Candidate Contract.
- Come prepared for the test. The SFT Skill Sheets can be found on the SFT Website. We expect the Alternate Delivery Candidate to come prepared to take the written and skills testing. This means the Alternate Delivery Candidate should have rigorously studied the required text books and SFT skill sheets prior to showing up for the course/testing.
- Failure to comply with any of these regulations can result in dismissal from the testing process. The alternate candidate’s participation in Miramar College’s California State Firefighter I Test is at the discretion of the lead evaluator and academy director.
For additional questions please reach out to Fire Academy Director Matt Jewett and/or FIPT Admin Tech Cheyanna Morence for further information.