Alternate Delivery/Reciprocity/Upgrade Firefighter 1 Certification Exam Candidate

The following webpage is provided to help guide Alternate Delivery/Reciprocity/Upgrade Firefighter 1 Certification Exam Candidate's seeking State Fire  Certification for FF1A, FF1B, FF1C by completing the written and psychomotor exams. The San Diego Miramar College Fire Academy Program allows participation in California State Fire Training Firefighter I Test Course for individuals who have not attended the SD Miramar College Fire Firefighter Academy. The Fire Academy allows external candidates to participate in exam testing when openings are available at the end of either the Fall Semester - approximately first two weeks in December or Spring Semester - approximately last two weeks in May. 

We as the Accredited Regional Training Program will need the following form completed in its entirety. If a candidate is unable to provide all required information in the form, the candidate will not be allowed to test. Please click on this link to the form to review the requirements: LINK TO FORM 

If there are additional questions AFTER reviewing all requirements on the above form, please reach out to Fire Academy Director Matt Jewett and/or FIPT Admin Tech Cheyanna Morence for further information.