Recent Miramar College Grad Runs for Mayor of Poway


Two short years ago, Emily Johnson sat in her senior civics class at Poway High School and listened as current Poway Mayor Steve Vaus asked the class about what they wanted to see changed in their city. Johnson, now 20, replied, “I would like to see more support in place for marginalized groups such as the homeless, LGBT, a women’s shelter even, and he (Vaus) told me it wasn’t the city’s job, and that if I wanted to see that changed I should run for office...and that frustrated me.”

ChemExpo 2018 Saturday, Oct. 27


In celebration of National Chemistry Week, San Diego Miramar College is hosting ChemExpo 2018 on Saturday, October 27 from 11am-3pm on Compass Point. Local company and organization booths will be on hand to illustrate how chemistry is applied at work and in everyday life. University students will stage demonstrations and the Miramar College Chemistry department will host DemoTables.


Discover Your Drive Event


Students from the San Diego Unified School District spent Friday, Oct. 19 on the Miramar College campus learning about all the wonderful Career Education programs that Miramar College has to offer. The intent of the "Discover Your Drive" event was to strengthen the College’s K-14 CTE pathways by exposing students to our amazing advanced transportation programs.

Updated 1/28 Spring 2019 Registration Information


The Spring 2019 schedule is available online at:

The paper schedule is available on campus.

You can still add a course by receiving an add code from the class instructor. The last day to add a course for the primary 16-week spring 2019 session is Friday, February 8. A new set of 8-week courses will begin on April 1, 2019. Check the online schedule (link above) for a schedule of class offerings.

January 28 - Spring classes begin

What's New on Campus in 2019?

San Diego Miramar College will usher in its 50th year serving the educational needs of its community with a daily fact about the college on its social media platforms and by offering new classes and enhanced student services. You can follow Miramar College on twitter @sdmiramar, on Facebook at SanDiegoMiramarCollege, on Instagram @sdmiramar, and on Snap Chat at sdmiramar.