Updated 1/28 Spring 2019 Registration Information


The Spring 2019 schedule is available online at: http://schedule.sdccd.edu/

The paper schedule is available on campus.

You can still add a course by receiving an add code from the class instructor. The last day to add a course for the primary 16-week spring 2019 session is Friday, February 8. A new set of 8-week courses will begin on April 1, 2019. Check the online schedule (link above) for a schedule of class offerings.

January 28 - Spring classes begin

What's New on Campus in 2019?

San Diego Miramar College will usher in its 50th year serving the educational needs of its community with a daily fact about the college on its social media platforms and by offering new classes and enhanced student services. You can follow Miramar College on twitter @sdmiramar, on Facebook at SanDiegoMiramarCollege, on Instagram @sdmiramar, and on Snap Chat at sdmiramar.

$6,000 in Grants from Union Bank and Wells Fargo will Support Scholarships

The San Diego Miramar College Foundation received  $6,000.00 in sponsorship donations from Union Bank and Wells Fargo Bank to support the Miramar College Foundation’s annual Invest in Success fundraising event to be held May 4, 2019 in Coronado. Invest in Success is the Foundation’s main vehicle for raising funds for its Freshman Scholarship fund.

Miramar College Hosts 140 High School Students for Career Education Signing Day February 21

Over 140 students from the San Diego Unified High School District braved the winter weather to attend the first ever Miramar College Career Education Signing Day held Feb. 21 on the Miramar College campus.

Almost 50 of the 140 students signed letters of intent to enroll at the College in a career education program such as Advanced Transportation Technology, Auto Technology, Biotechnology and Fire Technology.

Civil Rights Film Festival April 13

The Miramar College Civil Rights Film Festival will be held Saturday, April 13 from 8:30am to 5:30pm in the H Building. Twelve different films will be shown and a live discussion will be held following each film. The event is free!

The following films will be shown at the following times.

8:30am to 10:00pm: Roadtrip Nation: Beyond the Dream 

Miramar College Awards Almost a Quarter of a Million Dollars at Annual Awards Ceremony


Miramar College awarded nearly $250,000 in scholarships at its 25th annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony held April 10. This year, the Miramar College Foundation administered 50 awards totaling $165,250.00. An additional 40 external awards, totaling $83,000.00 were awarded to deserving students bringing the grand total awarded to $248,250.00, an increase of $75,250.00 from the previous year.

Miramar College Opens Dreamers Support Program Office


Miramar College is excited to announce the opening of the College’s first Dreamers Support Program Office. The new support office will be located in K1-304 inside the Student Services Building. The new office will be supported by the following Dreamer counseling team: Dennise Gomez Singh, who will focus on Dreamers; Sandy Gonzalez, who will serve both the Transfer Center and Dreamers; and Rick Cassar, who serves both general counseling and Dreamers.

Spring Open House April 25


Miramar College will host its annual Spring Open House on Thursday, April 25 from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. The event will begin in L-105, located on the ground floor of the LLRC Building. This is the great event for prospective Miramar College students and their families to attend and learn more about the programs and resources available at Miramar College.