Faculty/Staff Laptop Setup Instructions


This Guide will help you with some of the steps for setting up a new laptop using a Local Administrator Account.

The answers needed for most steps are up to you. Note: you can go back to a previous step if there is an arrow at the upper left corner.

Do not connect to WiFi or plug in internet cable for set-up. You can connect as well as access your Microsoft Accounts after set-up.

Step: Let’s connect you to a network: 

  • Select:  “I don’t have internet” in the lower left corner, click next. You do not need to connect to the internet to finish.

Step: There’s more to discover when you connect to the internet?

  •  Choose “Continue with limited setup”, in the lower left corner.

Step: Who’s going to use this PC?

  • Create a username for logging into laptop. Create a password at the next step.

Step: Register and Protect

  •  Do not fill out, just click next.

Last Steps:

Make your choices on the final steps to complete your set-up, select defaults if not sure.

After Initial set-up and booting to Windows 

Connect to the internet, access your e-mail account and immediately install the Avast Anti-Virus program from the link you received from the ICS dept. If it says, "Installed with errors" that's OK, restart the laptop anyway. This will start your protection and is used to communicate with the laptop to assist with problems, please do not use another or different Anti-Virus program. Find the newly created device name of the laptop by typing name in the search box and send to bstamos or replying to e-mail. Example: Desktop-XXXXX.

LogMeIn is pre-installed; use this installed program to connect to your office computer, it will be in the standard location under Programs. 

Contact info:      

Miramar ICS dept.                   
