Rental Information: Hourglass Facilities

Please click on the links below to determine whether the facility you are interested in renting is managed by the College or City of San Diego.

The San Diego Community College District and City of San Diego jointly operate a 38-acre multi-purpose complex on the campus of San Diego Miramar College. The complex is comprised of the following three facilities:


Miramar College-Hourglass Field House & Gymnasium

The Gymnasium and Exercise Rooms are available to rent when classes are not in session. 

Photo of men playing basketball inside the Hourglass Fieldhouse gym


Miramar College-Hourglass Park & Fields

Park & fields are available to rent Monday – Friday until 4PM. 

Hourglass Park Soccer Field


Ned Baumer-Miramar College Aquatic Center

The Ned Baumer-Miramar College Aquatic Center is available to rent when College aquatics classes and Men’s and Women’s water polo team activities are not in session.

Photo of the Ned Baumer-Miramar College Aquatic Center


Miramar College Property Rental Information

Step 1: Read FAQs and Code of Conduct.

Step 2: Review, download, and complete the Initial Request Form or call 619-388-7370 to check availability. 

Step 3: Submit completed Initial Request Form. Requests are reviewed once a week, on a weekly basis. 

Step 4: Allow 5-7 business days for initial response to request.

The primary use of District property is to support educational programs of the District. The District reserves the right to unilaterally change or revoke the permit in part or in its entirety without notice, should permits be issued for conflicting dates or should property be needed for any District purpose. 


Contact Information 

Hourglass Support Services

Phone: 619-388-7370


Location: P-101A

City of San Diego Facility Rental Information

For rental of the Ned Baumer-Miramar College Aquatic Center public lap swim, recreational swim, swim programs, and pool rental, please contact the City of San Diego Pool Manager Nicole Shaw at 858.538.8083 or via email for more information.

For City of San Diego Hourglass Community Park, Fields, and Field House rental, please contact City of San Diego Center Director Jesse Dawn at 858.538.8113 or via email at for more information. 

Related websites

In accordance with the Civic Center Act, San Diego Miramar College rents campus space for external events and activities, consistent with use of college property.

The primary use of District properties shall be to carry on District educational programs. All other uses shall have secondary priority. Use shall be consistent with educational purposes and not interfere with the regular conduct of instructional programs. 2. Eligible persons or groups may use District buildings or grounds for public, literary, scientific, recreational, or educational meetings, or for discussion of matters of general or public interest, subject to these rules and regulations.