The Participatory Governance Academy is the culmination of years of faculty, staff, and administrative efforts seeking ways to help Miramar's committees function at their best. The two primary goals driving this work are to achieve: 1) optimally functioning committees, and 2) effective committee integration with and communication to the greater campus. While the target audience for this academy is Committee Chairs, everyone who serves or wants to serve on a committee will likely benefit from the workshop. This website was created to house materials that committee chairs and other members might find beneficial. If you have ideas for a future PGA, please contact any of the 2023-24 contributors: Pablo Martin, Malia Kunst, Carmen Carrasquillo, or Carol Sampaga.
This website also serves as the "clearing house" for materials related to College Governance Handbook Revisions being proposed during the 2023-24 academic year (at the bottom of the page).
PGA Resources
- Governance Committee - Agenda Template
- Governance Committee - Minute Template
- Governance Committee - Proxy Form
- College Governance Handbook - Change Process
- College Governance Handbook - Change Form
- Guiding Principles for Committee Work (including primers on the Brown Act, Robert's Rules of Order, and collegiality)
- Screening Committee Resources
Screening Committee and Hiring Process Overview 230622
Screening Committee Resource document - Sample of codes of conduct and best practices:
The National Conflict Resolution Center’s code of conduct
CGH Rules and Tools (see Appendix A) - HyFlex Classrooms (note that facilitators must be trained on the use of these rooms by Miramar AV)
- List of Areas with an Owl
PGA Fall 2024:
Past Participatory Governance Academies
PGA Spring 2024:
- Video Recording of the Academy (unlisted on YouTube--i.e. only available through this link)
Spring 2024 Participatory Governance Academy (a PDF version of the slideshow with functional hyperlinks)
- Updates to the CGH from Fall 2023
- Please contribute to this Padlet if you'd like to provide feedback or share ideas about today's workshop, future PGAs, or anything related to shared/collegial governance
PGA Fall 2023:
- Video Recording of the Academy (unlisted on YouTube--i.e. only available through this link)
- Fall 2023 Participatory Governance Academy (a PDF version of the slideshow with functional hyperlinks)
- Tracked Changes to CGH Spring 2023 (a PDF version of the CGH with changes to the previous version highlighted)
- Guiding Principles for Committee Work (including primers on the Brown Act, Robert's Rules of Order, and collegiality)
PGA, Fall 2022:
- Participatory Governance Academy (a PDF version of the slideshow with links)
- Guiding Principles for Committee Work (including links to the College Governance Handbook as well as primers on the Brown Act, Robert's Rules of Order, and collegiality)
- Roberts Rules of Order Cheat Sheet
- If you are a committee chair and would like a copy of "Robert's Rules of Order SparkCharts (Volume 61)," a hardcopy is available for you at the VPI's Office
If you have ideas for an upcoming or future Participatory Governance Academy or wish to contact the workshop leads: Paul "Pablo" Martin, Malia Kunst, Carmen Carrasquillo (Jay), and Carol Sampaga.
College Governance Handbook Revisions, 2023-24:
Please contribute to the Padlet for Feedback throughout this process (click here to see the Padlet from Forum #1 - College Governance, on October 19, 2023)
- The CGH Review Workgroup will be asking for input and providing updates throughout the Fall Semester
- We're hosting a Committee Chairs Appreciation Round Table from 1-2 PM on 11/15/23 to both recognize the great work Chairs do and to get their input on ways to improve and streamline our governance structure
- Noting that the CGH is a living document, our goal is to complete the revised CGH by 12/16/23
- Provide a revised CGH to all constituent groups to review at the beginning of Spring Semester
- Approve the revised CGH by the end of Spring Semester for implementation in Fall 2024
Open Forum #1 (10/19/23) - The "Why"
- Zoom recording of the forum
- PPT College Governance Handbook Open Forum
- Notes from CGH Open Forum 101923