Faculty/Staff AV Resources - Checkout Services

The AV Department primarily serves the instructional media needs of the faculty, staff, administrators, and the ASC (Associated Student Council) of Miramar College. Students may NOT check out equipment. However, a student may pick up equipment that has been reserved by their instructor. Students picking up equipment for their instructor must leave a current photo ID and with a dated note from their instructor. Safely returning equipment is the instructor’s responsibility.


Departments are liable for damages and repairs incurred on equipment while it is checked out. Adjunct faculty must renew their employment validation sticker each December. Associated Student Council members must have approval from their Dean before requesting any AV equipment or event setup.


Miramar AV Department has a new laptop cart that is available for checkout at the Miramar Campus

  • 24 laptop secured and charged cart 
  • check out on a first come first served basis
  • can be checked out up to two weeks, longer with approval

Contact the AV department for more information

Submitting A Request

To request equipment, complete the "AV Setup & Checkout Request Form" a minimum 3-5 days in advance of the date needed.  All requests require a current SDCCD Identification card and must be submitted by form with original signature.

Some examples of AV equipment available for checkout are as follows: 

For a complete list of equipment available for checkout, please follow the AV Setup & Checkout Request Form.

Checkout Procedures

Reservations must be received at least three-five days prior to classroom use. Upon presentation of a current SDCCD identification card, the AV Department will check out reserved equipment. Equipment is issued on a first-come first-serve basis. AV does NOT take phone reservations, so please submit your request forms early. The majority of the equipment available is for one day checkout only; meaning they must be returned on the same day. Overnight/Long-term checkouts must be approved by Department Dean and/or Supervisor. Equipment is picked up at the AV Department (L-111).

Return Procedures

Please notify AV staff the date and time of your return. Return AV equipment to the AV Department (L-111). Make sure all AV equipment parts are returned (i.e., remote controls, adapters, cords, etc.) If there is no one at the door, press the button on their call box and wait for them to arrive. For any reason you are unable to return the equipment to the AV Department or if the AV Department is closed, you may return AV to the Library, 2nd Floor (619) 388-7310) or Campus Police, Room T-100 (619) 388-7353.

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