Associated Student Government


Associated Student Government

The Associated Student Government (ASG) offers the opportunity to participate in student government, develop leadership skills, civic engagement such as voter registration drives and coordinate special events. ASG representatives reflect the diversity of the student body and are allowed to recommend policies and procedures. Officers of the ASG are elected at large by the general student body. To learn more, check out the ASG information page.


The Associated Student Government holds a regular meeting every Friday from 9–11 AM during regular fall and spring semesters. The Associated Student Government offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00am – 5:00pm.

Student Services Building, 1st floor
10440 Black Mountain Rd, K1-107
San Diego, CA 92126

Student Services Building, 2nd floor
10440 Black Mountain Rd, K1-208
San Diego, CA  92126

In accordance with the CA Brown Act, ASG meetings are open to the public. For more information, contact Sandra Marquez, Administrative Assistant for the San Diego Miramar College Student Affairs Office, at: 619-388-7313 or

The ASG General Election - Spring 2025!

Each spring, Miramar students have the opportunity to get involved in student leadership by running for a position with the Associated Student Government (ASG). Elected ASG leaders play an active role in recommending and initiating policies that directly impact the college and its students.

If you are interested in running for an ASG position, please complete the ASG Election Application and submit it by the deadline: Friday, April 11, by 12:00 PM.

2024-2025 ASG Leaders

Executive Officers

Hailey Hua, President
X Ruiz, Vice President
Kylee Guiriba, Secretary 
Sindhu Narasimha, Treasurer


John Antonio

Jeff Florentino

Ann Le

Claudio Nevells

Seoyun Park

Tara Patel

Daniel Sifuentes

Frankco Wong

Senators from 9/6/2024 Special Election

Rayyan Talal Ahmed

Titus Balch

Blaize Fonseca

Adam Halaseh

Chloe Kim

Vy Le

Ava Mackey

Jaylen Olivia

Ryan Pacheco

Matthew Price

Anchal Verma


Associated Students

AS Membership

Unlock all the perks of being a Miramar Student!

Would you like access to Associated Student Member-only scholarships, free admission to select events, and lots of other FREE GOODIES, like scantrons, school supplies, apparel, swag bags & give-aways, plus free food and beverages (during specified events)?

With a yearly $8 opt-in fee, your membership will help fund all of the on-campus events run by the Associated Student Government (ASG). The ASG is the student voice for San Diego Miramar College and offers student the opportunity to participate in college governance, develop leadership skills and encourage civic engagement. 

As an Associated Student member, unlock all the perks on San Diego Miramar College such as:

  • ASG themed merchandise
  • Access to scholarships
  • Special access to events
  • And many more

If you are having trouble paying your AS Membership fee, talk to your EOPS counselor or petition your Chartered Student Club to help cover the cost.

Student Clubs and Organizations

Student clubs and organizations are an integral part of student life at San Diego Miramar College. Student organizations provide opportunities to make friends, pursue special interests, and gain leadership skills. Club membership is open to all currently enrolled Miramar College students. Consider joining a student club or organization today!

A collection of student club logos displayed for decoration under the San Diego Miramar College logo.


Vending 5000

Student organizations that actively participate in student governance by electing or appointing an ASG Club Representative to attend all ASG meetings are considered chartered: these organizations are eligible to receive financing from the ASG general fund each semester. Make sure your club or student organization fills out a Vending 5000 form every semester! Contact the ASG President with your questions. All student groups that wish to be designated as either chartered or recognized must be registered with Student Affairs by filling out a Club Certification Packet each academic year.

Explore Miramar Clubs!


Your ASG loves holding events for our fellow students!

As your Associated Student Government (ASG), we are proud to plan and hold events that you can partake in, and your engagement makes them all worthwhile!

If you have an idea for an upcoming event, feel free to share them during our weekly Friday meetings from 9AM to 11 AM! You will have the opportunity to suggest event ideas when it is time to break into committee meetings, where you can join the Future Events Committee, Student Life and Wellness Committee or Governance Committee and provide your insight! Please, do not be afriad to share. We love to hear feedback from everyone!

Never miss an event! You can check out all of our school events on our calendar to scout possible things to join! The purple events on the calendar page are student activities, so be on the look out for them.

Campus Calendar