ASG Information


Miramar College ASG wants you!

Associated Student Government (ASG) is the student governance body for San Diego Miramar College. The ASG offers students the opportunity to participate in college governance, develop leadership skills, encourage civic engagement such as voter registration drives, and coordinate on-campus and virtual events.

Associated Student Government officers, senators, and representatives reflect the diversity of the student body of Miramar College. The assembly actively recommends and initiates policies and procedures that directly affect the college and the students who study here. The ASG is your government, and we welcome participation, feedback, and engagement!

If you are interested in getting involved email Joseph Hankinson for more information.

Get Involved


Spring General Elections!

Elections are held annually in the Spring semester for ASG Executive, Officer and Senator positions.   Applications are now available at the Student Affairs Office located in K1-210.   Get involved and become a leader!  


ASG Meetings

The Associated Student Government holds a regular meeting every Friday from 9–11 AM during regular fall and spring semesters.


Student Services Building, 1st floor

10440 Black Mountain Rd, K1-107

San Diego, CA 92126

NOTICE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in accordance with SDCCD policies, all individuals coming on campus MUST be fully vaccinated or able to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test dated no earlier than the Tuesday prior to each meeting, and masks are required to be worn at all times while on campus unless actively eating or drinking. In accordance with the CA Brown Act and related executive orders, meetings are open to the public.


Student Services Building, 2nd floor

10440 Black Mountain Rd, K1-208

San Diego, CA  92126

The Associated Student Government offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00am – 5:00pm.

Meeting agendas, minutes, and supplemental material can be accessed here or by copying and pasting the following in your browser's search bar:

For more information, contact Sandra Marquez, Administrative Assistant for the San Diego Miramar College Student Affairs Office, at: 619-388-7313 or