Welcome to Miramar EMT Program!



To enroll in the EMT classes, you must enroll in EMGM 50A, EMGM 105A and EMGM 106 in the same registration transaction.

Required Classes


EMGM 50A-BLS CPR for the Healthcare Provider (prerequisite)


EMGM 105A-Emergency Medical Technician (core class)


EMGM 106-Airway Defibrillation Training (concurrent class)




Books, uniforms, and supplies will be available for purchase at the Miramar College Bookstore. You may also order online. For additional information, please contact Lily Cava lcava@sdccd.edu

Uniform dress shirts and half-zip Miramar EMT student sweatshirt are available for purchase at the Miramar Bookstore. The EMGM 105A and EMGM 106 classes require the following items: navy slacks, light blue Miramar logo dress shirt, half-zip sweatshirt with Miramar EMT/FIPT Student embroidery (if you plan to wear something over your uniform shirt), black belt, and steel-toed boots.



*Prehospital Emergency Care Textbook, 12 Ed.

$146.75 w/o MyLab Brady access code

* Emergency Care Textbook, 12 Ed.

$199.00 w MyLab Brady access code

EMGM 105A Clinical Experience Packet

$6.80 (Miramar Bookstore only)

EMGM 105A Skills Packet

$7.15 (Miramar Bookstore only)

CoSD Medications & Protocols Handbook

$14.00 (CA Paramedic Foundation)

*Safety goggles


Red bag

$15.00 (Miramar Bookstore only)

2 inch 3-ring binder & dividers


*Sphygmomanometer (BP cuff)






*Pocket mask


Uniform dress shirt

$22.00 (Miramar Bookstore only)

Uniform sweatshirt

$40.00 (Miramar Bookstore only)

Navy blue cargo slacks (Dickies)

$19.00-29.00 (Target/Walmart/online)

Black utility belt

$12.00-20.00 (Target/Walmart/online)

Steel toe utility boot

$60-200 (Target/Walmart/online)

*Miramar Bookstore pricing

Reduced pricing available online


Approximate Total: $530.00



Classes are held in a hybrid mode of delivery. All in-class meetings are held at the Miramar Campus in the Fire Technology/EMT R-1 Building. Please review the Class Details for information on in-class meeting dates and times.


in preparation for participation in hospital clinical rotations or ambulance ride alongs, you are required to submit proof of the following:

*TB test: Please obtain a TB test prior to the first class session (within 2 weeks of course start for the semester class or within one week of course start for the 8-week classes). The turnaround time for a TB test is 48 to 72 hours. If you have a positive TB test, you will need to show proof of a negative chest x-ray and medical clearance. We will also need a copy of your completed EMT/Fire Student Vaccination/TB Record (Form 1B). You must visit the
Miramar Student Health Center to obtain vaccination TB testing clearance and a completed Form 1B.

In addition to TB testing, you will need the following vaccinations:

***Two (2) Rubeola, Rubella & Mumps (MMR) immunizations or a positive MMR titer

***Three (3) Hepatitis B immunizations or a positive Hepatitis B titer 

*** Have had chicken pox, a positive Varicella titer, or Two (2) Varivax immunizations

***Influenza Vaccine (fall and spring semesters only)

***Current Tdap (within 10 years)

***COVID-19 Vaccination (current CDC recommended vaccine)

The Miramar Health Center is available to provide support with vaccinations and TB screening



Please visit our Miramar EMT Program website!