State Aid

The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) formerly Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGW), waives the enrollment fees and tuition for eligible California residents attending a California Community College. California residents may apply by completing a FAFSA application. Students with AB 540 status may apply by submitting the CADAA. CCPG awards begin in the fall term of each academic year and must be renewed every year. Required fees such as the Student Health Fee and Student Representation Fee are not covered by the CCPG and must be paid each term.

The CCPG is:

  • Open to eligible students with financial need
  • Does not require full-time status
  • Waives enrollment fees (tuition)
  • If you have any questions or eligibility issues related to the California College Promise Grant, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

San Diego Promise Program (Promise Scholarship)

This Promise Scholarship is:

  • Open to first time college, full-time students*
  • Does not require financial need
  • Waivers enrollment fees (tuition) & health fees

*If you have any questions or eligibility issues related to the San Diego Promise program, please contact the Outreach Office at (619) 388-7357.  

However, both CCPG & San Diego Promise program require:

  • California Residency
  • Completion of a FAFSA or Dream Act (CADAA) application

Note: First-Time College, Full-Time Students: Students who have not attended college previously. CCAP/Dual Enrollment students (college courses taken while in high school) would still be considered first-time. 


Cal Grant A

Note: Cal Grant A funds are not available until you transfer to a four year college university.

This program, administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), helps low and middle income students with tuition/fee costs.

Cal Grant B

This program, administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), helps low income students attend college. You must be a California at the time of high school graduation & at the time you receive a Cal Grant or AB 540-eligible student. If you are transferring to a 4-year institution you may be considered for a special Cal Grant B. Grant amounts may be as much as $1,648 per year. Award amounts may be adjusted by the California State Legislature.

New Cal Grant applicants must have their GPA sent to CSAC by March 2, 2023 deadline.

Cal Grant C

Filing deadline for new applicants: March 2, 2023

Cal Grant C is another program administered by the California Student Aid Commission for California residents who are enrolled in a vocational program and are from a low or middle income family. You must be a California resident as of March 2, 2018. Grant amounts range up to $1,094. New Cal Grant applicants must have their GPA sent to CSAC by the March 2, 2023 deadline. 

Note: If you have a bachelor’s degree, you are not eligible for a Cal Grant A, B, or C.

The Cal Grant Program is not available to students accepted into the Comprehensive Transitional Program C2C.


The Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) offers eligible students at public colleges and universities the opportunity to earn money to help defray their educational costs while gaining education-aligned, career-related employment.

LAEP allows a participating student placement in an educationally beneficial position that relates to the student’s area of study, career objective, or the exploration of career objectives. The program includes and emphasizes positions for students with employers that are capable of providing them with full-time employment opportunities after graduation, or opportunities to connect with other employers that are capable of providing them with full-time employment opportunities after graduation, within their areas of study.

Eligible students are from an underrepresented background and meet all the following criteria:

  • At least half-time enrollment 
  • California resident classification
  • Satisfactory academic progress in a program leading to a degree or certificate
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Eligibility to work in the United States

Priority will be given to eligible students who are first-generation college students, current/former foster youth, homeless, or at risk of being homeless. Further priority will be given to eligible students majoring in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) discipline.

To learn more about this opportunity, please contact the Financial Aid Office.


The Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG) is a community college financial aid program for Full Time Cal Grant B and Cal Grant C recipients enrolled in 12 or more units. The purpose of the SSCG grant is to provide students with additional financial aid to help offset the total cost of community college attendance, and to encourage full-time attendance and successful on-time completion.

Beginning 2023-2024 award year, the Student Success Completion Grant pays Cal Grant recipients enrolled in at least 12 but fewer than 15 semester units $1298 per semester ($2596 annually). Cal Grant recipients enrolled in 15 or more semester units receive $4,000 per semester ($8,000 annually).

To take advantage of this grant please ADD all your units by the FREEZE DATE for each semester.

  • Fall 2023 semester 09/06/23
  • Spring 2024 semester 02/15/24

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be a Cal Grant B or C recipient
  • Must be enrolled full-time (12 units or more)
  • Must be meeting Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards
  • Must have an unmet need to be eligible to receive the SSCG award.

Due to limited funding, Student Success Completion Grants (SSCG) are awarded on a first come, first serve basis.