Integrated Planning Framework

Welcome to the San Diego Miramar College Integrated Planning page. The college’s Mission and Vision Statement provide the overall framework and basis for integrated planning college wide. This connection is achieved by the development of Strategic Plan Goals that directly support the mission and are used to guide college wide planning over a 7-year period. Through the implementation of the Strategic Plan, the mission guides institutional decision-making, planning, and resource allocation. All instructional programs and service areas develop their goals in alignment with the Strategic Plan, thus ensuring that the college mission is central to planning at all levels of the College. Public access to all planning-related documents is available via the interactive Student Success Framework for Long-term Integrated Planning.


San Diego Miramar College's mission is to prepare students to succeed by providing quality instruction and services in an environment that supports and promotes success, diversity, inclusion, and equity with innovative programs and partnerships to facilitate student completion for degrees/certificates, transfer, workforce training, and/or career advancement.


San Diego Miramar College will be the center of education innovation, and services to support our diverse students and community. In keeping with this vision, the college supports and emphasizes the following guiding values:

  • Access to learning and support services, for all students to successfully achieve their educational and career goals
  • A culture that embraces and promotes equity, inclusion, civility, responsibility, sustainability, from a global perspective
  • Diversity, equity, inclusion and success of our students, classified professionals, faculty, administrators, and programs that reflect our community
  • Creativity, innovation, flexibility, and excellence in teaching, learning, and services
  • The ability to recognize and respond to opportunities and challenges emerging from a complex and dynamic world
  • Strategic resource and partnership development to support curriculum and program innovation
  • Collaboration and partnerships
  • Effective participation in governance with respect and professionalism, through intentional, purposeful and effective communication embraced by the college community
  • Transformative processes that include a culture of evidence, collaborative inquiry, and action for promoting student success


Strategic Goals

Provide student-centered pathways that are responsive to change and focus on student learning, equity, and success

Strategic Direction 1

Build and implement coherent guided pathways for students through focusing on onboarding, course, and program redesign.

Strategic Direction 2

Ensure that guided pathways leads to student completion that fit real-world demand.

Strategic Direction 3

Strengthen the connection between student learning and performance both inside and outside the classroom.

Enhance the college experience by providing student-centered programs, services, and activities that close achievement gaps, engage students, and remove barriers to their success

Strategic Direction 1

Identify resources for appropriate venues, programs, and services to support student engagement.

Strategic Direction 2

Build and strengthen instructional and non-instructional program, services, and activities that focus on elevating disproportionately impacted populations.

Strengthen Institutional Effectiveness through planning, outcomes assessment, and program review processes in efforts to enhance data-informed decision making

Strategic Direction 1

Systematically engage in the program review process across the college that lead to plans of action and meaningful clear outcomes.

Strategic Direction 2

Strengthen the link between program review and strategic planning by focusing on student learning and performance.

Strategic Direction 3

Ensure tighter alignment between program resource allocation and needs assessment in meeting student equity and success.

Build and sustain a college culture that strengthens participatory governance, diversity, inclusion, and community partnerships

Strategic Direction 1

Redesign a clear, well-understood decision-making structure, process and pathway, with clear mechanisms for reviewing information, making timely decisions, and communicating information back to all college constituencies.

Strategic Direction 2

Ensure that the college’s equity efforts are in alignment with the diversity and inclusion needs of the college.

Strategic Direction 3

Identify current and prospective partnerships with educational institutions, business and industry, and the community at large.

Build an environment that embraces diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and social justice for the benefit of the college community.

Strategic Direction 1

Systematically update college processes, programs, and practices within a comprehensive equity framework for equity-minded practices in the workplace, the classroom, and support programs/services.

Strategic Direction 2

Establish comprehensive professional development for the campus community to increase capacity  round and engage in equity, diversity, inclusion, social justice, and anti-racism.

Strategic Direction 3

Systematically review, develop and incorporate equity-minded practices in:

  1. culturally responsive instructional pedagogy,
  2. student-centered services, and
  3. recruitment, screening, and retention of employees.