Technology Requests

New Technology Requests

The primary means for making major technology (or other resource requests) is via your Program Review process.   In your program review, your department/area should plan for and identify new or replacement technology (and other resources).  Resource requests are reviewed and prioritized by the Program/Department management and then follow the Budget & Resource Development process.  Technology requests are then reviewed by the Technology Services Department to ensure standards are met and identify possible economical alternatives.

When technology needs arise outside of the Program Review process, for whatever reason, work with your supervisor/manager for approval and to identify funding if needed.  Once approved/funded, your supervisor/manager will work with Technology Services to obtain the equipment.

Replacement of Existing Instructional Technology

As with new technology requests, the primary method to replace existing instructional technology or other equipment is through the Program Review process.  In the case of broken classroom equipment, start with the Service Request (below).

In general, Technology Services maintains a pool of slightly older, but perfectly serviceable equipment to handle the occasional case of broken equipment.  In addition, when funding is available to replace large numbers of classroom computers, Technology Services will make efforts to "roll down" good technology to older areas, to keep instructional systems as current as possible.

Replacement of Existing Administrative Equipment

If you are having issues with your existing office or other administrative technology, follow the Service Request process (below).  Determinations as to when Administrative systems are replaced may occur at a District Level, or in collaboration with your supervisor or manager.  The District may make large-scale replacements when it is determined that older systems cannot be supported or for security reasons.  For individual requests for new/replacement systems, work with your supervisor/manager.

Service Requests

Campus technology is broadly divided into two service realms:  Instructional and Administrative.  Generally speaking, Instructional technology is that technology you find and use in the classroom.  Administrative technology is the technology you use in your office.  Administrative technology is provided by, and supported by, District IT.  Instructional technology is supported by College Technology Services.  However, the process to request help is simple:

Requesting a Quote

All quotes for certain technology items need to be approved through Technology Services.  To save time, please ask Technology Services to get you a quote for your items, or have your quote signed by Technology Services prior to entering your requisition.  While we cannot provide an exact list of items that need a signature, here are some examples of items that you should work with Technology Services to get a quote:

  • Computers, laptops & tablets
  • Monitors and displays
  • Printers
  • Audio/Visual equipment like projectors and document cameras

Some examples of items you do not (generally) need us to quote or approve:

  • Replacement commodities like mice, keyboards, toner, etc.
  • Flash drives, personal/portable backup storage , etc.

To request a quote, contact Technology Services at x7317 or email us at