Federal and State Programs


Verification Guidelines

Verification is the process by which the Student Assistance Technician compares the information on the financial aid application with the documents provided by the student to verify the accuracy of the application information.  These policies are to be used in conjunction with the Department of Education and the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) verification guidelines.  San Diego Miramar College will verify the information on the Student Aid Report SAR/ISIR for all students who complete the application process for federal & state financial aid and who are selected for verification by the Department of Education or the California Student Aid Commission edits.  In addition, San Diego Miramar College may select files for verification to resolve conflicting information or institutional edits.

At San Diego Miramar College, financial aid will not be awarded to those selected for verification until all documents required are submitted and the verification has been completed.

Verification Deadlines for 2024-2025

The key application deadline, regulated by the U.S. Department of Education, will be followed at San Diego Miramar College and can be located in the Department of Education Verification Guide.

Deadline for 2024-2025:  Students who fail to turn in all documents required to complete verification by the appropriate deadline at San Diego Miramar College will be ineligible for financial aid for 2024-2025. The verification deadline is the last date of the term.

San Diego Miramar College reserves the right to cut off applications earlier based on workload.

The verification deadline is the last date of attendance for the term.


If discrepancies are found between the documents submitted for verification and the information on the SAR/ISIR, the following procedures will be used for making the corrections:

SAR/ISIR – Corrections to income or asset figures, household size, number in college and dependency must have a new need analysis performed. If the corrections result in a changed EFC, the data must be transmitted to the Central Processor to produce an electronic student aid report.

Award changes – If corrections to the SAR/ISIR due to verification result in a change in the student’s award, the student will be sent a revised award letter notification by email. Financial aid notifications are produced weekly for new awards and changes to awards made during the previous week.

Verification Selection

A random selection of the financial aid population may be selected for verification by the Department of Education or California Student Aid Commission.  San Diego Miramar College will perform additional verifications on all students who have conflicting data.

Notification of Verification Requirements

Students will be notified of the documents that must be submitted to the financial aid office in order to complete verification via the students Reg-e information page.  The missing information letter (email) will list the required verification items, any other actions required to complete verification, and other items required by the Financial Aid Office.  Missing information letters (email) are generated to the students on a weekly basis.

Students who fail to bring in the documents may lose their priority standing for campus-based awards.

If, following verification, the institution discovers evidence of student aid fraud (including identity theft), waste or abuse of US Department of Education funds, such evidence may be referred to the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Education.


California College Promise Grant Application (Enrollment Fee Waiver)

Income information

Enrollment Fee Waiver

(Does not pay the Health Fee)

The state funded California College Promise Grant provides funds to help low income students pay the enrollment fee. The enrollment fee is $46.00 per unit. The enrollment fee is subject to change based on California legislation. Students can only receive a CPG during the academic year in which they apply.

You will be eligible for a CPG if you are a California resident and any one of the following applies to your status at the time of enrollment:

•    You have already qualified for financial aid such as a Federal Pell Grant or a Cal Grant.

•    You or your family receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), or SSI (Supplemental Security Income), SSP (State Supplemental Program) or General Assistance/General Relief.

•    You meet the Department of Veterans Affairs eligibility requirement of “certain disabled veterans or the dependents of certain deceased or disabled veterans.” You will have to apply to the Department of Veteran Affairs and obtain a letter of certification.

•    You are a dependent of a deceased or disabled veteran of the California National Guard. You must submit a letter of certification by the California National Guard Adjutant General’s Office.

Additionally, you may qualify for special circumstances if you meet specific income standards. Please consult your Financial Aid Office if you are unable to fill in a FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application.

You may also be considered an independent student and have you eligibility for the Board of Governor’s Waiver based on specific income standards, if:

•    You do not live with your parents, AND

•    You were not claimed as an exemption on any Federal income tax filed by your parents in 2021, AND

•    Your income is below $20,385.00

NOTE: Effective Fall 2016 semester, students who have not met the college’s Satisfactory Academic Standards for two consecutive terms will no longer qualify for a BOGW the following term. This is based on new State regulations. Academic/Lack of Progress Probation is determined two ways.

•    Lack of Progress – is determined by the number of “W”, “I”, “NP” grades, you must complete 61% of units attempted to maintain good standing.

•    Grade Point average – you must maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average at all times.


Filing deadline: June 30, 2025 or your last day of classes (whichever comes first)

The Federal Pell Grant Program is the largest Federal grant program and is the foundation of your total aid “package.” Eligibility is determined by the federal government using a standard formula for all applicants. Grant amounts may range from $767 to $7,395 per year. A Federal Pell Grant is awarded based on full time enrollment (12 or more units per semester). If you enroll in less than 12 units, your payment will be adjusted accordingly. Beginning on July 1st, 2012, ALL Federal Pell grant recipients are subject to Federal Pell Grant eligibility for a maximum of 12 semesters (6 years) of grant disbursed as a Full Time student. If you have a bachelor’s degree, you are not eligible for a Federal Pell Grant.


Prior to the beginning of each semester, a portion of your Federal Pell Grant can be allocated to an account in the bookstore up to a maximum of $985, (must be a California Resident). The money in your account may be used to purchase books and supplies.


You may be able to purchase a reduced-priced bus pass as your campus Accounting Office using your Federal Pell Grant funds as well during the time that the Bookstore Accounts open. Please check with the Financial Aid Office on your campus for eligibility information.


The Federal SEOG program is designed to assist students with the lowest family contribution (EFC) by supplementing other financial aid sources. If you have a bachelor’s degree, you are not eligible for the Federal SEOG.


Federal Work-Study (FWS) allows you to earn part of your financial aid through an assigned job, which can be on or off campus. The pay is at least the current minimum wage, but many FWS positions offer higher rates. You'll submit time cards for your hours worked, just like in any other job, and you'll receive a monthly paycheck for the previous month’s work. Your employment ends once you earn the full amount of your FWS award or if your enrollment drops below 6 units at your Financial Aid campus. FWS awards typically range from $1,000 to $8,000 per year.


The Chafee Grant is a federal program that is administered by the California Student Aid Commission to provide financial assistance to former Foster Youth. The applicant must be certified by the State Department of Social Services of their Foster Youth status until age 16. The grant has no citizenship requirement; however, non-citizens without a valid Social Security Number must call the CSAC for additional steps and information. The program awards a maximum of $5,000 per academic year. Renewal applicants must maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by the school. Former foster youth must complete a separate application at: https://chafee.csac.ca.gov/




This program, administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), helps low and middle income students with tuition/fee costs. Cal Grant A funds are not available until you transfer to a four year college.

New Cal Grant Applicants must have their GPA sent to CSAC by the March 2, 2024 deadline.



This program, administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), helps low income students attend college. You must be a California resident as of March 2, 2024. If you are transferring to a 4-year institution you may be considered for a special Cal Grant B. Grant amounts may be as much as $6000 per year. Award amounts may be adjusted by the California State Legislature.

New Cal Grant applicants must have their GPA sent to CSAC by the March 2, 2023 deadline.


Filing deadline for new applicants: March 2, 2024

Cal Grant C is another program administered by the California Student Aid Commission for California residents who are enrolled in a vocational program and are from a low or middle income family. You must be a California resident as of March 2, 2024. Grant amounts range up to $1094. New Cal Grant applicants must have their GPA sent to CSAC by the March 2, 2023deadline. If you have a bachelor’s degree, you are not eligible for a Cal Grant A, B, or C.

The Cal Grant Program is not available to students accepted into the Comprehensive Transitional Program C2C.


The Federal Direct Loan is a federal loan program where you borrow directly from the Federal Government. The interest rate for new loans is a fixed rate which is currently

5.50% for loans disbursed from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. Please check with the Financial Aid Office for the interest rates for the 2024-2024 school year. New Federal regulations require schools to disburse loans only after the signed Promissory Note has been accepted. You are required to pay the Dept. of Education loan processing fees that are currently 1.057%. The fees are deducted from the proceeds of your loan.

For new loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014, the federal government will no longer subsidize (pay) the student loan interest during the six month grace period. The grace period is the time between when the student graduates or drops below half-time status and the time when the student must start repaying the loan. Students are encouraged to check with their Loan Servicer for any available options to assist with their loan repayment.

To qualify, a student must be enrolled in at least six units, demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients and must demonstrate financial need through the federal methodology using the FAFSA application. To apply for a Federal Direct Loan, students must complete a mandatory loan entrance counseling session. Students must contact the Financial Aid Office or visit the College website for application procedures.

You may complete the entrance counseling session on-line at: https://studentaid.gov/entrance-counseling/

The Financial Aid Office will be notified when the session has successfully been completed. In addition, you must fill out a Loan Request Form from your Financial Aid Office. You must complete an on-line multi-year Master Promissory Note at: https://studentaid.gov/mpn/

You may also be required to submit an Educational Plan and be enrolled at the campus of your declared major. Please ask your Financial Aid Office for more information. The actual loan amount for which you are eligible will be determined by the Financial Aid Office. Funds will be disbursed twice per loan period.

If you are a first-time student or borrower, your check will not be disbursed until at least 30 days after the start of the semester. If you have “Late Start” classes, for loan funds to be disbursed, you must be actively attending classes in at least six units.


If you are a dependent undergraduate student, your parents may borrow from the PLUS loan program. The amount borrowed may be up to the Cost of Education (page 6) minus any financial aid. Checks will be mailed to the borrowing parent. Parents must begin repayment within 60 days of receiving the full disbursement of the loan. The interest rate is a variable rate determined on June 1 for the following award year. The student must file a FAFSA and meet all other financial aid eligibility requirements, including an online application through STUDENTLOANS.GOV. Please contact your campus Financial Aid office or web page for detailed instructions.


Federal regulations require that all student loan applicants complete an entrance counseling session (see Federal Direct Loan Program) and if you cease to be enrolled in at least 6 units with the San Diego Community College District you must complete an

exit loan counseling session. It is your responsibility to notify your Financial Aid Office if you drop below 6 units during the semester. At the time of the counseling session you will be given information about your loan obligations and repayment options. You may complete the exit counseling session online at: http://www.studentloans.gov


The above information is subject to change as required by new Federal, State or institutional policies and regulations.