Some of the many career options in the commercial truck industry include:
- Heavy-Duty Truck Technician
- CNG/LNG Bus Technician
- Truck & Bus Fleet Service Technician
- Power Generation Technician
- Diesel Engine Overhaul Technician
- CNG/LNG Overhaul Technician
Some of the many career options in the heavy equipment industry include:
- Heavy-Equipment Technician
- Field Service Technician
- Field Service Lube Technician
- Marine Engine Technician
Some of the many career options in related industries include:
- Commercial Truck Inspector
- Service Writer/Advisor
- Truck & Equipment Parts Sales Person
Some diesel-related career fields require area specific training in addition to the courses required in the HDTT, HET certificates.
Students intending to transfer to a university could consider the following related areas:
- Business Management
- Applied Engineering
- Engineering