Guided Pathways Committee ** this committee concluded May 2024**

Contact Information

Lisa Brewster
Adrian Gonzales

Chair Requirements

Co-Chairs: Faculty Guided Pathways Coordinators (2)

Co-Chair: Administrator appointed by College President

Committee Membership

Administrators Classified Faculty Students
VPI or Designee Designee Guided Pathway Coordinators (2) Designee
VPSS or Designee Designee Academic Senate President Designee
Instruuctional Dean Designee

Committee Purpose/Charge

The Guided Pathways Committee provides guidance, support, and recommendations with regard to the implementation of the Guided Pathways Initiative as it relates to State mandates, campus policies and procedures, and the institutionalization of best practices to promote student success.

Committee Responsibilities

  • Explore and recommend strategies and frameworks to address legislative and regulatory mandates related to Guided Pathways.
  • Coordinate the development of Guided Pathways workgroups, including the identification of workgroup leaders and workgroup membership.
  • Provide guidance and support to Guided Pathways workgroups.
  • Monitor progress toward meeting the goals of the Guided Pathways initiative, including collecting and sharing data and facilitating the preparation and submission of annual reports.
  • Collect and disseminate information to the campus with regard to Guided Pathways activities, research on best practices, and opportunities for professional development.
  • Identify, recommend, and support professional development opportunities as they relate to the Guided Pathways initiative.
  • Support the integration and coordination of the Guided Pathways initiative with the various college-wide plans, initiative, and activities that support student success, such as, but not limited to, Strong Workforce and Student Equity.
  • Perform work and provide evidence to ensure the college meets applicable areas of Accreditation Standard I-IV.

Committee Procedures

  • Membership term lengths: Unless membership is designated by position, there is a two (2) year appointment with an option for an additional two-year service, and the possibility of 1 additional term if the position remains available.
  • Recommendations are made to College Council; recommendations regarding Academic and Professional Matters are made to Academic Senate.
  • Committee retains authority to form taskforces and workgroups related directly to committee charge.
  • Plans/Reports: Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Self-Assessment Report.
  • Quorum: 50% +1 of membership.
  • Committee Approval Process: Vote.

Meeting Frequency

The Committee will meet a minimum of once per month during the academic year.


Important Documents