High School Students

Mental Health Counseling is available in the Student Health Center & Their Canvas Shell


Special Part-Time High School Application and Registration Guide

This guide is meant for students participating in the College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Program or students enrolling independently (with their school's permission). 




Dual Enrollment Checklist

New and Discontinued students can follow these steps in order to create a new account or re-activate a discontinued account. Accounts become discontinued when a student does not attend for two or more semesters. The application process will reactivate your existing student number rather than produce a new one.

Please note that the application is a two-step process. Step one is creating a California Community College Account which will be your platform for applying to every California Community College. Step two is using that platform to apply to the San Diego Community College District (Miramar, Mesa, and City College).

CCCApply Banner 

Sign in or Create your CCCApply account.



Please Note: Your CCCID is not your Student ID. Keep this number for future college applications.

Click continue in order to Apply to Miramar College.

Mira Apply Banner

Complete, Review, Submit and Save your application. 

If you have any questions while completing the Miramar application feel free to call Admissions and Records (619) 388-7844. Parents, please be aware that our district complies with FERPA laws and will not give student information to third parties (including parents) without proper written consent including students who are under 18 years of age.

Check your email (and spam folder) for your User/Student ID. Please allow up to 2 hours to receive your San Diego Community College District User/Student ID. Pro-Tip: Take a screen-shot or picture of your User/Student ID.

If you do not receive your User/Student ID and an invitation to create your mySDCCD student portal within 2 hours, please submit an online help desk ticket. A District Technician will be in contact to help you complete the transaction.

mySDCCD Banner

Follow the creation link from your email or click here to create a new, first-time account. Check out the video below on creating your mySDDCD account.

High School students are unable to register themselves into classes but, through mySDCCD can view their schedules, manage fees, access Canvas, and search/add/drop classes when they graduate high school.


  • User ID: This is your 10-digit User ID
  • Students with a 7-digit ID - precede your 7-digit CSID with three zeros to make it 10 digits in length. This will be your College ID#.
    • (e.g 1234567 would be 0001234567)
  • New Students - enter the ID number emailed to you (beginning with 555 or 333)
  • Date of Birth MMDDYYYY format.
    • (e.g. June 1, 2000, would be 06012000)
  • Email Address: Must be the same email address associated with the Student Application/record.

If the system is unable to verify your identity submit an online help desk ticket. You will be asked to provide a photo of your photo ID. Please be sure to state that you are a dual enrollment student.


DocuSign Banner

Please follow the video tutorial on completing your DocuSign documents. Please read and follow directions carefully. Any missing or incorrect information will cause registration to be delayed or voided.

The DocuSign will only need to be completed once. For example, a Junior enrolling in CCAP will not need to complete the DocuSign again in their Senior year.


Canvas Banner

canvas login

Logging into Canvas
You won't be able to login and access your course until the first day that the course starts. Once you are enrolled into a course you will have access to Canvas after about 4 hours.

  • Go to the Canvas Login Page.
  • Type your Username : 10-digit College Student Identification (ID) number
  • Type your Password: mmddyyyy (birthdate with no hyphens, slashes, or spaces)
  • For example: 0009010101 (ID number used at registration) 
                          06031980 (password for birth date June 3, 1980)

Are you a returning student? Your password may no longer be set to your birth date if you logged in during a previous semester and changed your password. If you need to reset a lost password, please access How to reset your password.


For High School Students Attending Classes on the College Campus

Fee Parking Id Banner

The following information only applies to Dual Enrollment students attending courses on the college campus. These students have a different procedure for enrolling in classes than CCAP. 

  • Fees: As with the classes located on the high school campuses, tuition is waived. However, students attending on the college campus are subject to health and accident fees and parking permits. These can be paid by logging into mySDCCD, clicking on "My Financials", "Make a Payment".
  • Parking Permits: These are required for students who will be parking on campus grounds and can be ordered once all other fees are paid. They are available immediately after payment and can be picked up at the campus police station located behind the S buildings. In order to pick up a parking permit, you must have a Student ID. Please note: The Associated Students (AS) Card is not required for attendance.
  • Student ID: can be picked up in the office of Admissions and Records - K1-207. Students must have paid all fees and have a zero balance on their account and provide another form of photo ID such as a state ID/License or high school ID.

Parking Permit Order

Parking Permit 2

For help regarding enrollment status, please refer to Outreach (619) 388-7357.