Cost of Education

Explore the Cost of Education

Determination of your financial need is based on information you provide on your FAFSA application. A student budget is an estimate of how much it will cost you to attend college and support yourself during the period of attendance.

Listed below are the student budgets for the 2023-24 & 2024-2025 school year. Your actual costs may differ from our standard budgets.

Reminder: Fees are subject to change at any time based on decisions by the State Legislature.

2023-2024 Student Budgets

  At Home Away from home
Enrollment Fee $1,104 $1,104
Health Fee $42 $42
Books & Supplies $938 $938
Food & Housing $6,750 $18,440
Transportation $978 $1,176
Personal Experience $2,168 $2,656
Total $11,980 $24,356

2024-2025 Student Budgets

  At Home Away from home
Enrollment Fee $1,104 $1,104
Health Fee $42 $42
Books & Supplies $1,062 $1,062
Food & Housing $15,713 $31,243
Transportation $1,792 $1,962
Personal Expenses $4,060 $4,968
Total $23,773 $40,381

Cost of Education - Expected Family Contribution = Gross Financial Need

Your expected family contribution (the amount you and/or your parents are expected to contribute for educational costs) is calculated taking into account your taxable income, non-taxable benefits, and assets. This is then added to any expected parent contribution, calculated from their taxable income and non-taxable benefits and assets, if applicable, and is subtracted from your student budget,

The difference is your financial need. The family contribution is determined using a federal formula which takes into account the size of your household, the number of students attending college, your age and/or your parent's age, as well as other factors. Any additional financial resources such as AmeriCorps, or any outside scholarships, BIA grants, fee waivers, etc. are aid resources and will be deducted from your financial need.

If you do not qualify for financial assistance but you have special circumstances such as loss of employment or income separation or divorce, death of a parent, etc., please contact the Financial Aid Office.

In certain cases, the Financial Aid office may be able to adjust your cost of attendance to accommodate additional expenses. These expenses include daycare, additional allowances for supplies that are higher than the included amount in the current cost of attendance, or any other expense that may be needed. These adjustments are considered on a case-by-case basis and wil require supporting documentation to justify the change. Please visit the Financial Aid Office fo assistance in requesting accommodation for additional expenses.