Welcome to the Miramar Math Lab

The Math Lab is open Monday-Thursday from 9am-6pm and Friday 9am-2pm!

  • Free, drop-in tutoring available Monday-Thursday from 9am-6pm and Friday 9am-2pm! Available 2/3-6/2.
  • Need a place to study? The Math Lab is open Monday-Thursday 9am-6pm and Friday 9am-2pm. Computers and printing services available. Available 2/3-6/2.
  • Location: M210
  • Phone: 619-388-7141
  • Please email Julia with any questions (jmcmenam@sdccd.edu).



  • Location: M210 (2nd floor of the M building - the building across from the Transit Station)
  • Phone: 619.388.7141
  • Address: M-100 Building on Miramar College Drwy, San Diego, CA 92126.
  • Directions: Exit I-15 at Mira Mesa Blvd and proceed west to Westview Parkway. Take a left onto Westview Parkway and proceed straight to the Hillery Drive Campus Entrance. We are in the building straight ahead of you, on the second floor. Park in the lot next to the building or in the parking structure just beyond the lot.

Information about the Math Lab

  • The Math Lab (M210) is located on the 2nd floor of the M building on the Miramar Campus. No appointment necessary. We offer walk-in tutoring, quiet study rooms, test proctoring services, and workstations. Come in and get the help you need from our friendly staff.
  • You may also borrow the following materials from the front desk for use: Calculators, Textbooks, Dry erase markers, Headphones, Headsets, Study Rooms. Please note: If you wish to rent a calculator for use outside the lab, you may go to the library (second floor of the LRC (the L building) and get one the entire semester.
  • Computers and printing services available. Printing costs can be paid with cash or by loading funds on your student card.

Online Tutoring

  • NetTutor: Live one-on-one tutoring on-demand and question drop-off. Enroll in the Student Support Hub. NetTutor link will be visible on the left-hand side.
  • StarCA: There is tutoring through Star-CA. Click on the NetTutor link to view NetTutor and Star-CA. The Star-CA tutoring schedule is here.

Tutoring Opportunities in the Math Lab

  • Please reach out to Donnie Tran (dtran@sdccd.edu) to inquire about tutoring opportunities in the Math Lab.
  • We are looking for tutors who have taken Math 119 OR Math 150 or above.

Other Helpful Resources