Mohammed Haneef

Mohammed Haneef

I chose Miramar College because of the versatility of the classes and all of the amazing opportunities that it had to offer.



Degree or Certificate


Student Narrative

Why did you choose Miramar?

The reason why I chose Miramar College is because of the versatility of the classes and all of the amazing opportunities that it had to offer. They were also a viable option for me coming out of high school because it gave me the opportunity to really figure things out and try new things. It was also the gateway to many other higher-education institutions. The Miramar Promise Program was also another reason why I decided to attend school Miramar College. However, one of the main reasons why I attended is because taking classes at a community college is no different from the classes you take at a university. A lot of the professors and faculty at the community college level have some of the best credentials, and they also focus on teaching as opposed to other matters like the professors at the university level. Some of the professors at the community college level also teach at the nearby universities or they have taught at some of the best universities in the nation at some point. So, the education that you receive at the community college level is no less than the education you would receive at a university. 

How has Miramar helped you on your educational journey?

Although, I have a lot of advice for students, the most crucial piece of advice that I have for students is to NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS! If you dream big and work hard anything is possible especially if you are a first-generation student who comes from an underrepresented background! If things don't work out the first time just try again and keep moving forward! 

What is your favorite memory from your time at Miramar?

My favorite memory from my time at Miramar was being shocked by my Physics 196 Professor, Dr. Korevaar. It was a really funny moment as it was a class demonstration on how current could flow through our bodies and be passed onto another person or object once the circuit was complete. This was really funny because we made a closed loop with multiple people including himself and everyone got shocked at the same time. I’m sure we wouldn’t have experienced anything like that if we were at a 4-year university. Memories and experiments like that always make my day when I think back to them. 

Would you have any advice for new students?

My favorite memory from my time at Miramar was being shocked by my Physics 196 Professor, Dr. Korevaar. It was a really funny moment as it was a class demonstration on how current could flow through our bodies and be passed onto another person or object once the circuit was complete. This was really funny because we made a closed loop with multiple people including himself and everyone got shocked at the same time. I’m sure we wouldn’t have experienced anything like that if we were at a 4-year university. Memories and experiments like that always make my day when I think back to them. 

This Student's Pathway