Lateefah Thomas

Tee Thomas

Being able to have many options of taking my classes online, on campus or aboard the military base allowed for a lot of flexibility.   



Degree or Certificate


Why did you choose Miramar?

I chose Miramar because i thought it would be best to ease me back into school since i had not attended college and had a 4/5 year gap between high school and starting college. It was close to MCAS Miramar where im stationed, lived and worked. It allowed for a good balance between location if i ever needed to go to campus for any reason that would be handled on base.   

How has Miramar helped you on your educational journey?

Miramar has supported my success immensely. My college counselors Ron and Robert aboard MCAS Miramar had huge impacts in how far I’ve made it with juggling my Active Duty Military obligations and school obligations. They have assisted me in creating my education plan in a way that helps me take the steps towards my goals. They ease my anxieties and always have the best advice. The professors that I have had the pleasure of having, have worked with me whenever my military obligations were at the forefront and clashing with classes. Professors are understanding of circumstances and are full of personality. Being able to have the many options of taking my classes online, on campus or aboard the military base eased many pressures and allowed for a lot of flexibility.   

What is your favorite memory from your time at Miramar?

I don’t have just one favorite memory from my time at Miramar. Meeting my counselors Ron and Robert and interacting with them have made my time at Miramar less intimidating. Any memory with my counselors are a part of my favorites because without them, I wouldn’t have made it as far as i have. Whether it was talking classes and being reminded to make my deadlines with Ron or Sitting down with Robert and having my entire Miramar time mapped out no matter how many times i changed my mind or how many questions i had. He also challenged and supported me to go for 4 Associates when i doubted myself. My Intro to Bio Anthropology class with Professor Sam Kobari would also rank high in my favorite memories because the firmness, assistance, care allowed for a great class environment. I would go to class on my chow (lunch) time from work. I remember coming in on a day after a holiday and he was willing to allow a make up exam due to my absence from the exam day. I showed up and the building was locked. I thought that was funny. It all worked out; The building was opened and i was able to take my exam. Due to a late email response and tech error, he allowed for a little extra study time. The professors care about their students, at least the ones I’ve had and im grateful for them. 

This Student's Pathway