
Sociology is a behavioral science that is designed to provide students with a greater understanding of human interactions, social processes, culture, and social structures. It examines the tension that exists between structure, or social constraint, and agency, or individual free will, by analyzing both everyday social interactions and large social institutions. Sociologists study topics such as work, family, education, crime, gender, race, social class, the economy, politics and government, religion, sports, and social movements, understanding them through multiple perspectives. Sociology students will learn to apply the sociological perspective to the world around them. The Sociology Program is suited to the needs of transfer students who wish to major or minor in Sociology or related fields, as well as students who wish to apply sociological principles to other areas of their lives.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students who complete the Sociology program will be able to:
- Be assessed through a combination of performance evaluations, written assignments, and written exams and quizzes.
- Integrate logical thinking, including informed fact and assessment, based upon theories and practices in the field, tying together classical and contemporary theories of social groups and modalities and their interrelatedness for both the group and the individual perspective.
- Organize the comprehension of the fields of Sociology as expressed through written and oral sources.
- Apply appropriate learning and analyze theories within the field, explaining these through written and oral methodologies.
- Develop skills in problem solving, communication, and critical thinking within the interrelationship of Sociology to other fields of the social sciences.
This program’s Academic & Career Pathways:
Careers in This Field
- Develop transferable skills such as analytical, organizational, research, interpersonal, computer, leadership, teamwork, and oral/written communications associated with the sociology degree
- An undergraduate degree is sufficient for many entry-level positions in non-profit organizations, business, and government.
- Two types of master’s degrees available in sociology: traditional programs and programs with an applied, clinical, or professional track. Traditional programs prepare students to ender academia and a Ph.D. program. Applied, clinical, and professional programs are vocationally oriented and prepare students to enter the workface by teaching job skills.
Careers Relating to Sociology
- General Sociology
- Environmental Sociology
- Globalization and Political Economy
- Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
- Criminology/Criminal Justice
Transfer Options in Sociology
Common university majors related to the field of Sociology include:
- Behavioral Science
- Community Studies
- Counseling
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Criminology
- Gender Studies
- Gerontology
- Law
- Policy Analysis
- Social Ecology
- Social Science
- Sociology
- Social Work
- Urban Studies and Planning
- Women’s Studies
Students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university in this discipline should consult with a counselor or visit the Transfer Center to determine the appropriate major preparation courses for their specific transfer institution and major. More information on transfer programs and procedures is available in the Transfer Guide section of the catalog.
Associate of Arts for Transfer
Being able to have many options of taking my classes online, on campus or aboard the military base allowed for a lot of flexibility.