Student Success Committee

Contact Information

Nessa Julian
Paul (Pablo) Martin

Committee Membership

Administrators (5*) Classified (7) Faculty (10) Students (2)
VP Instruction* Enrollment Services - designee English - designee Designee
VP Student Services* Student Development - designee Math - designee Designee
Dean, LEAD & Equity Student Affairs - designee General Counseling - designee
Dean, Instruction Instruction - at-large Special Programs Counseling - designee
Dean, Student Services Instruction - at-large GP Coordinator**
Dean, Institutional Effectiveness Instruction - at-large Equity Coordinator
Classified Senate President (or designee) PD Coordinator**
CTE Faculty - Designee
Instruction - at-large
Academic Senate President (or designee)

Committee Purpose/Charge

With a primary focus on supporting student success in accordance with San Diego Miramar College’s mission, the Student Success Committee purpose is to support the development and institutionalization of integrated and comprehensive approaches to student success. The Committee will encourage and support collaborative college-wide efforts and promote the use of data to assist the College with implementing State mandates and District/Campus policies and procedures.

Committee Responsibilities

  • Serve as a venue for meaningful dialogue and collaboration on issues of academic success for disproportionately impacted student groups.
  • Explore and recommend strategies and frameworks to address legislative and regulatory mandates, such as, Guided Pathways, Student Equity, Strong Workforce, AB 705, and SEAP.
  • Monitor progress toward meeting the goals of the campus wide student success initiatives, including collecting and sharing data and facilitating the preparation and submission of designated annual reports.
  • Identify, recommend, and disseminate information to the campus with regard to student success activities, research on best practices, and opportunities for professional development.
  • Periodically review and recommend changes to policies, procedures, and programs as related to District participatory governance committees and campus-based student success related matters.
  • Assist in the development, implementation, and review of college-wide plans, initiatives, and student success services and activities
  • Encourage the use of student success and equity data and research to inform college practices and the allocation of resources
  • Support innovations in instruction that support student success, retention, and persistence, including supporting student success in transfer-level English and math courses.
  • Perform work and provide evidence to ensure the college meets applicable areas of Accreditation Standard I-IV.

Committee Procedures

  • Membership term lengths: Unless membership is designated by position, there is a two (2) year appointment with an option for an additional two-year service, and the possibility of 1 additional term if the position remains available.
  • Recommendations are made to College Council; recommendations regarding Academic and Professional Matters are made to Academic Senate.
  • Committee retains authority to form taskforces and workgroups related directly to committee charge.
  • Quorum: 50% +1 of membership.
  • Committee Approval Process: Vote

Meeting Frequency

The Committee will meet twice per month during the academic year.


Meetings, Agendas, & Minutes