Professional Development Committee

Contact Information

Denise Kapitzke
Laura Pecenco

Chair Requirements

Co-Chair: Professional Development Coordinator*

Co-Chair: Administrator, elected by committee.



Committee Membership

Administrators Classified Faculty Students
Instructional Designee Instructional Services Designee Professional Development Coordinator* Designee
Student Services Designee Administrative Services Designee FLEX Coordinator
Designee Student Services Designee BTCWI Designee
Academic Support Services Designee Liberal Arts Designee
MBEPS Designee
PRIELT Designee
Public Safety Designee
Student Services Designee
ASRE Designee

Committee Purpose/Charge

Develop and promote a professional development program which supports the educational mission of the Institution to include activities that enhance and improve the college atmosphere and cultivate a positive culture on campus; oversee the disbursement of professional development funds for faculty, classified professionals, and administrators.

Committee Responsibilities

  • Identify professional development needs across the entire campus as they relate to instruction, equity, diversity, and inclusion and other State mandates in keeping with institutional goals and priorities.
  • Implement the professional development priorities of the campus as identified by College Council.
  • Identify and inform San Diego Miramar College personnel of college, District and state-wide professional development opportunities and resources.
  • Develop and maintain a college-wide Professional Development Plan to include a calendar that is in alignment with program review, Accreditation Standards, and Title 5 Section 55730.
  • Provide a mechanism for college-wide discussion of professional development planning and activities.
  • Plan and facilitate the process of prioritizing professional development needs based on college-wide Professional Development Plan.
  • Facilitate the distribution of available resources for professional development activities
  • Perform work and provide evidence to ensure the college meets applicable areas of Accreditation Standard III.

Committee Procedures

  • Membership term lengths: Unless membership is designated by position, there is a two (2) year appointment with an option for an additional two-year service, and the possibility of 1 additional term if the position remains available.
  • Recommendations are made to College Council; recommendations regarding Academic and Professional Matters are made to Academic Senate.
  • Committee retains authority to form taskforces and workgroups related directly to committee charge.
  • Plans/Reports: Professional Development Plan.
  • Quorum: 50% +1 of membership.
  • Committee Approval Process: Vote.

Meeting Frequency

The Committee will meet twice per month during the academic year.

Please note that CA Assembly Bill 1887 state travel ban has been lifted effective September 14,2023.