Contract Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee

Contact Information

Kevin Petti

Chair Requirements

Chair: Chair of Chairs (Non-Voting)

Committee Membership

Administrators Faculty
VPI Chair of Chairs (non-voting)
Liberal Arts Chair
Public Safety Chair
Counseling Chair
Library Chair
Specialized Counseling and Services Chair
Articulation Officer

Committee Purpose/Charge

The committee will develop and maintain a process to prioritize the needs for contract faculty positions annually. Every year, as part of program review, programs can request that a new faculty member be hired. This Committee will use an Academic Senate-approved process to review all of the requests, apply the approved rubric, and develop a prioritized list annually. The Committee will also determine a process to manage positions that have been vacated for any reason.

Committee Responsibilities

  • Develop and recommend to the Academic Senate a process, including a rubric, for the prioritization of new contract faculty positions and for replacement of vacated positions.
  • Assist faculty with the submission of proposals/ forms for faculty positions that arise from Program Review.
  • Using the approved process, review proposals and create a prioritized list for contract faculty positions annually.
  • Send prioritized list to the Academic Senate for final recommendation to the College President.
  • Cyclically review the process, rubric, and forms and propose changes if needed.
  • Perform work and provide evidence to ensure the college meets applicable areas of Accreditation Standard II.

Committee Procedures

  • Membership term lengths: 2 years with a limit of two consecutive terms (maximum service 4 years) unless designated by position.
  • 51
  • This Committee makes recommendations to the Academic Senate.
  • Plans/Reports: Prioritized list of faculty positions.
  • Quorum: 50% +1 of membership.
  • Committee Approval Process: Vote

Meeting Frequency

Committee will meet at least once each semester, with subsequent meetings as needed per the discretion of the Committee Chair.