Undocu-Circles: Meet & Greet

Undocu-Circles are affirming spaces for Dreamers and undocumented students to create community with one another. Facilitated by our Dream Team staff, we welcome our diverse students to come share their unique immigrant stories. We start with a fun icebreaker, then discuss the rewards and challenges of being an immigrant, before participating in a collaborative activity to build community.

    Fall 2023 Sessions

    • 9/20: Undocu-Circles: Meet & Greet
    • 10/20: Undocu-Circles: La Lotería
    • 11/15: Undocu-Circles: World Cultures

    Spring 2024 Sessions

    • 2/28: Undocu-Circles: Mindful Check-ins
    • 4/10: Undocu-Circles: La Lotería
    • 5/8: Undocu-Circles: A Letter to Myself

    For disability accommodations email eborek@sdccd.edu using the subject line "Undocu-Circles accommodations."

    Miramar Dreamers Support Office
    Located in K1-304  •  619-388-7970  •  Appointments: bit.ly/dreamerappt

    A diverse group of people surrounded by decorative circle designs. The graphic includes the Undocu-Circles workshop logo and meeting information including location, date, and time. The text reads, "Uncodu-Circles Undocumented and Immigrant Student meet and greet, discussion, and group activity. Meet in the Jet Fuel Resource Center in room K1-211 on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 1:30 PM.

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