Stand Against Bullying: Wear Purple on Spirit Day!
Today, LGBTQ+ youth, and especially our trans and nonbinary youth, are experiencing a level of scrutiny in schools we have never seen, leading to an environment rife with stressors beyond the peer-to-peer bullying of the past. Cyberbullying is at an all time high as well. This anti-LGBTQ rhetoric translates to real-life harm and has been cited as drivers of many of the nearly 250 anti-LGBTQ bills introduced in states around the country this year alone, many of which target our LGBTQ youth.
This year, Spirit Day is on October 20, 2022, and offers LGBTQ youth and their families a means of visibility and existence only made possible by providing life-saving visibility for those who need it more than ever.
Take the Spirit Day pledge to show LGBTQ youth you've got their backs at Follow @GLAAD on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to keep up to date with #SpiritDay news. And don't forget to wear purple on October 20th to stand against bullying! Courtesy of GLADD.
It's okay to not be okay.
For a Mental Health Emergency call the ACCESS & CRISIS 24 Hour Hotline: 1-888-724-7240.
National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline - Dial 988. It's like 911 but for your mental wellbeing! Available 24 hours with assistance in English and Spanish. For further information call us at 619-388-7881 or visit
In an emergency call 911
Campus Police: 619-388-6405.
For more info about LGBTQ+ resources at Miramar College visit
Club Spectrum: LGBTQ+ Student Organization
Club Spectrum is a place where the LGBTQ+ community and its allies can come together, organize, and socialize. Open to all San Diego Community College District students, the club acts as a safe space for anyone looking to find a community of understanding and supportive peers. Club Spectrum has been an Associated Student club since 2018. The club has previously produced a campus drag show, organized several successful fundraising events, and continues to support students through the Miramar College LGBTQ+ Scholarship, sponsored by the Miramar LGBTQX Alliance.