Stockroom & Receiving


The Stockroom coordinates campus receiving and shipping needs in addition to providing limited on hand instructional and operating supplies to faculty and staff.

Surplus Request


  • We have a limited supply of items that we stock.
  • Supplies can be obtained at the Stockroom during operating hours.
  • Items that we have in stock will be charged back to the appropriate department that the end-user signed for is from.
  • Items that you need that the stockroom does not have on hand needs to be ordered through your Dean’s office.


  • All receiving needs to be done by the Stockroom.
  • End users are not to mark anything as received in PeopleSoft. This has to be done by the Stockroom.
  • If you pick up items from vendors, please notify the Stockroom so they can be received and vendors can get paid on time.
  • Once the items are checked in and received, the Stockroom will deliver the items to the end-user listed on the PO.
  • When oversized/heavy items (over 100 lbs) are ordered, please notify the Stockroom so they know when these items will arrive.
  • If you have created a Blanket Order PO, please notify the Stockroom when items arrive that are on the PO so we have documentation of the items being received on campus.

Equipment Transfer Document (ETD)

  • The Stockroom has ETD forms for you to fill out.
  • ETDs are for transferring equipment from one site to another or to send items to surplus.
  • ETD forms must be filled out completely with all the correct information.
  • Must have all the correct signatures before being sent to the Business Office. If they do not, they will be sent back for correction.
  • Once the form is filled out and has all the correct signatures, the items will then be picked up from the location that was stated on the ETD.