Miramar Cafe

Get in touch

Miramar Cafe
K1 Bldg, First Floor
Mon - Thu: 7:30am - 6:00pm
Miramar College Jet Stop Coffee & C-Store (Closed Weekends)
Fri - Fri: 7:30am - 12:00pm
Miramar College Jet Stop Coffee & C-Store (Closed Weekends)
Mon - Thu: 7:30am - 10:00am
Miramar College Main Cafe Breakfast (Closed Fridays & Weekends)
Mon - Thu: 11:00am - 7:00pm
Miramar College Main Cafe Lunch (Closed Fridays & Weekends)

College Café

Miramar College Café is located on the first floor of the Student Services Building, Building K, on the Southern side of Compass Point (the large, circular grass filed at the heart of the campus).  We have the Hen & Steer Grill, Cosmos Pizza Station...and new for Fall 2024, Beach & Borough Deli.  Hours are posted under Important Documents.  Open Monday to Thursday.

Jets Stop Convenience Store

Serving "grab-and-go" items, The Miramar College Jets Stop C-Store is located by the north door of the Student Services Building, Building K, across from the Bookstore entrance.  Hours are posted under Important Documents.  Open Monday to Friday.

Peppertree Café

The Peppertree Café is currently closed for the Fall Semester.




Important Documents