After a Sunday evening discussion with our college police, it has been decided that community service officers and/or officers will be present at the Hilllery/Westview Parkway and Black Mountain entrances beginning tomorrow morning to make certain that students and the general public remain off campus starting March 16 through March 22.
The gates to parking structure #4, nearest the Welcome Center, will be closed. Only parking structure #3, by campus police, will be open. Students and the general public will not be permitted on the Miramar College campus at any time the week of March 16-March 22 as we prepare to move instruction and support services fully remote on March 23. Beginning Monday, March 23 we will resume classes in a remote/alternative method, and only essential services (ie: police) will remain on campus.
Student hourly employees and NANCE employees are permitted on campus March 16-March 22 to work. As communicated previously, all employees are to report to work for transitioning to remote instruction/services.
The health and safety of our students, staff and faculty are our top priority. Please review the SD Miramar College website for updates and FAQs.