Miramar College Receives California Opportunity Youth Apprenticeship (COYA) Grant

San Diego Miramar College has been honored to receive a prestigious California Opportunity Youth Apprenticeship Grant (COYA) from The California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and its Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS). This significant grant is part of the state's initiative to enhance pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships, providing youth with opportunities to enter and progress in high-quality careers.

Miramar College is one of 51 projects funded by The California Department of Industrial Relations for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. The College will receive $286,715.00. This funding has been earmarked to identify barriers to careers in the Fire Service. 

The grant establishes San Diego Miramar College as a pre-apprenticeship program linking with the Statewide California Joint Apprenticeship Program and regional Fire Departments, including San Diego Fire-Rescue. The intent of the planning grant links recruitment of opportunity youth programs across the region, including underserved communities, promoting education and training for careers in the fire service in the development of a future application for a (COYA) implementation grant to secure funding for expenses related to the fire academy and support services ensuring student success.  

"This grant would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication of our Fire faculty, who are deeply devoted to the success of our students,” stated Dr. Jacqueline Hester, the dean of Public Safety at San Diego Miramar College.  “This grant opportunity will assist us in identifying regional programs connected to foster youth, juvenile rehabilitation programs, San Diego County, CCC, and CDCR.” She added, "Additionally, it will pave the way for underserved students to participate in the pre-apprenticeship program and Fire Academy at San Diego Miramar College."

The Fire Protection Technology program at Miramar College is a comprehensive program that offers degrees and certificates in various fields related to fire protection, rescue, and public safety technology. This program provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen careers.

The Miramar College Firefighter 1 Academy offers students the option of earning their State Fire Training Firefighter I Certification, required for entry-level employment, by attending a "cohort" of courses on campus. Two cohorts are hosted each academic year.    

California is investing in apprenticeship programs that have the power to uplift opportunity youth across California, including those aged 16-24 who face educational achievement gaps or attend schools in lower-income communities. The grants support a network of apprenticeship programs in healthcare, education, advanced manufacturing, information technology, the public sector, transportation, and more. COYA will also ensure employers are supported and encouraged to hire young workers based on their talent and skills.

The Department of Industrial Relations' Division of Apprenticeship Standards consults with employers and partners to develop a skilled workforce by establishing innovative apprenticeship programs that offer training to create viable career pathways for Californians. 
