Miramar College Awarded $1.4 Million Contract by California Energy Commission

San Diego Miramar College received a $1,395,110.00 contract from the California Energy Commission to assist with the development of an alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technology workforce training program. The San Diego Community College District Board of Trustees accepted the contract at its June 13, 2019 board meeting.

“The goal is to improve and expand alternative fuel vehicle technology programs throughout the state,” said Ben Gamboa, associate dean, Strong Workforce Programs in the School of Business, Technical Careers and Workforce Initiatives at San Diego Miramar College. “This will provide the College with an excellent opportunity to serve as a catalyst for advancing clean transportation, connecting skilled workers to high-wage jobs, and building the green economy.”

The Alternative Fuel and Vehicle Training Enhancement Program (ARFVTP) with the California Energy Commission (CEC) delivers workforce training related to advanced energy technology designed to reduce air pollution, and provides state-of-the-art equipment. The program also builds partnerships with employers, labor unions, labor management partnerships, community organizations, workforce investment boards, community colleges, and economic development agencies. San Diego Miramar College was the original recipient of this contract. Assembly Bill 8 (Perea) extended funding for ARFVTP until January 1, 2024, and CEC has awarded the contract to San Diego Miramar College given the College’s previous successful performance.

This contract will develop and fund advanced transportation workforce training through the California Community Colleges automotive technologies programs. The Advanced Transportation & Logistics (ATL) Initiative will publish opportunities to fund alternative fuel and advanced vehicle technology proposals across the California Community Colleges. The ATL Initiative will focus on increasing the participation of veterans and persons living in underserved and disadvantaged communities.