Miramar College Opens Dreamers Support Program Office


Miramar College is excited to announce the opening of the College’s first Dreamers Support Program Office. The new support office will be located in K1-304 inside the Student Services Building. The new office will be supported by the following Dreamer counseling team: Dennise Gomez Singh, who will focus on Dreamers; Sandy Gonzalez, who will serve both the Transfer Center and Dreamers; and Rick Cassar, who serves both general counseling and Dreamers.

Miramar College was one of 32 colleges and universities selected for a California Campus Catalyst Fund grant from Immigrants Rising. The Catalyst Fund supports colleges that are developing or strengthening support services for undocumented students.  As part of our grant-funded activities, we are developing Miramar Dreamer resources to include counseling, outreach and peer mentoring.  Educational workshops and ally training will be offered through a collaboration with City, Mesa and Continuing Education.

Join us for our upcoming Open House on Wednesday, April 17th from 10am to 2pm in K1-304And please be on the lookout for announcements regarding upcoming workshops and events.

For more information, please contact a member of our Dreamer team directly or through the channels below:

Office location: K1-304


(619) 388-7970


Open Monday-Thursday 10am to 1pm; other hours by appointment

Additional resources are provided on the District Dreamer Support Program webpage:  https://www.sdccd.edu/students/dreamers.aspx