Marketing and Outreach Committee

Contact Information

Steve Quis

Chair Requirements

Co-Chair: Public Information Officer (PIO)

Co-Chair: Associate Dean of Outreach

Committee Membership

Administrators Classified Faculty Students
Associate Dean of Outreach Public Information Officer or Designee BTCWI Designee Designee
Designee Designee Liberal Arts Designee Designee
Designee Designee MBEPS Designee Designee
Designee PRIELT Designee
Public Safety Designee
Student Services Designee

Committee Purpose/Charge

To develop, implement and evaluate a three-year marketing plan based on Program Reviews and major college, District, and State initiatives. Other areas to include but not limited to, enrollment management, support and implementation of events and activities, ensure centralized message for branding.

Committee Responsibilities

  • Leads the development, implementation and evaluation of campus-wide marketing and outreach strategies.
  • Develop plans to target information dissemination to disproportionately impacted student groups to supporting strategic enrollment management.
  • Designs, implements, and facilitates, programs and projects affecting communications, outreach, and image of the College both on-campus and in the communities, it serves.
  • Review campus wide marketing and outreach needs for college dissemination to reduce duplication of efforts.
  • Collaborates with relevant committees, work groups and offices to develop outreach and marketing strategies as needed to support the implementation of major State initiatives.
  • Assists departments and programs with the development of public relations materials.
  • Provides input into Website design and style parameters that best reflect college image and website marketing needs.
  • Reports back to respective departments for relevant updates, engage colleagues for support/participation of related events and activities.
  • Provides input to District Marketing and Outreach Committee. Ensure consistency where possible for publications provided to the public.
  • Perform work and provide evidence to ensure the college meets applicable areas of Accreditation Standard III.

Committee Procedures

  • Membership term lengths: Unless membership is designated by position, there is a two (2) year appointment with an option for an additional two-year service, and the possibility of 1 additional term if the position remains available.
  • Recommendations made to College Council; recommendations regarding Academic and Professional Matters made to Academic Senate.
  • Authority to form taskforces and workgroups related directly to committee charge.
  • Plans/Reports: Marketing Plan.
  • Quorum: 50% +1 of membership.
  • Committee Approval Process: Vote.

Meeting Frequency

The Committee will meet once per month during the academic year.