Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism (IDEA) Committee

Contact Information

Judy Patacsil
Sharilyn Wilson

Chair Requirements

Co-Chairs: Two Members, elected by committee from separate constituencies.

Committee Membership

Administrators (2) Classified (5) Faculty (12) Students (3)
Claudia Estrada-Howell - Designee Sara Agonafer - Designee Veronica Dayag - BCTWI Designee Kylee Guiriba - Designee
Nessa Julian - Dean of LEAD & Equity Joseph Hankinson - Designee David Castañeda - Liberal Arts Designee Hailey Hua - Designee
Bill Pacheco - Designee John Kim - MBEPS Designee Claudio Nevells - Designee
Dianika Moore - Designee Angela Boyd - Library/ASC Designee
Sharilyn Wilson - Designee Tanya Hertz - Public Safety Designee
Ali Gonzalez - Student Services Designee
Najah Abdelkader - At-Large Designee
(ex-officio) Vice President of Student Services (VPSS) Carmen Carrasquillo - At-Large Designee
April Koch - At-Large Designee
Bear Wolf - At-Large Designee
Judy Patacsil - Faculty Coordinator for Educational Equity
Marcia Sawyer - Black/Ethnic Studies Designee

Committee Purpose/Charge

The committee is committed to promote understanding, engagement and appreciation throughout the College and District for all aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Committee Responsibilities

  • Serve as the liaison between the College, the District Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee, and the District’s Campus Diversity Advisory Council (CDAC).
  • Sponsor activities and events at the College that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Provide feedback and evaluation of the Student Equity Plan and college reports which advance diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus.
  • Support, coordinate, and/or implement programs, seminars and workshops that explore diversity, equity, and inclusion issues for faculty, classified professionals, and students.
  • In coordination with the Research Office, lead equity self-studies, equity data workshops, and equity leadership development.
  • Provide leadership in the development of curriculum that addresses equity, ethnic studies, and social justice.
  • Support and advance the institutional core values of inclusiveness.
  • Participate in equity self-studies, equity data workshops, and equity leadership development.
  • Gather information for the Ethnic Studies degree requirements and facilitate its development
  • Regularly gather, review, and assess college data to identify potential gaps and make recommendation to mitigate equity gaps.
  • Perform work and provide evidence to ensure the college meets applicable areas of Accreditation Standards I-IV.

Committee Procedures

  • Membership term lengths: Unless membership is designated by position, there is a two (2) year appointment with an option for an additional two-year service, and the possibility of 1 additional term if the position remains available.
  • Recommendations are made to College Council; recommendations regarding Academic and Professional Matters are made to Academic Senate.
  • Committee retains authority to form taskforces and workgroups related directly to committee charge.
  • Plans/Reports: Student Equity Plan.
  • Quorum: 50% +1 of membership.
  • Committee Approval Process: Vote.

Meeting Frequency

The Committee will meet a minimum of once per month during the academic year.