DACA Updates Webinar

The Higher Education Legal Services will share the latest updates about the recent DACA ruling and what that means for DACA recipients, those who are eligible, and those with pending applications. All are welcome!

Subtitulos disponibles en español.

A logo reading: Higher Education Legal Services, a program of Jewish Family Service

Higher Education Legal Services (HELS) provides FREE immigration legal services to students, staff, and faculty at community and state colleges in San Diego and Imperial Valley Counties. For more information about the HELS program, call (858) 637-3345 or email helsimmigration@jfssd.org and follow on Instagram @hels_sd.

Servicios disponibles en español. Indique su idioma de preferencia en el formulario. Para asistencia en español, llame al 858-637-3345.

Miramar Dreamers Support Office
Located in K1-304  •  619-388-7970  •  Appointments: bit.ly/dreamerappt

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