Vernal Pool Clean-Up with Biology Club

Save the Fairy Shrimp!

Biology Club logo.

The Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee and the Miramar College Biology Club invite students out to the vernal pools on campus to help with a environmental clean up. The vernal pools are home to the endangered fairy shrimp, which need protecting. Miramar biology students study the vernal pools and the flora and fauna that live within and around the pools. Come help us safeguard this preserve and meet the Biology Club!

Biology Club Contact Info
Club President:
Allen Kuo,
Join the Discord:

A photo of the vernal pools at Miramar College.

Vernal (meaning “Spring”) pools are a rare type of seasonal wetland that exists in very few places on earth. Vernal pools are different from wetlands, ponds, or lakes because they only hold water for a few weeks. Rainwater collects in the pools due to hardpan earth that prevents it from draining into the subsoil below. During the rains, a diverse array of flora and fauna that make the temporary pools their home come out of dormancy. Some organisms can remain dormant for up to a hundred years. When the pools fill, these organisms go through their entire life cycle before the water evaporates in the dry summer.